Friday 2 October 2009's been a while..

So, I finally remembered my login...well actually I finally remembered I have a blog...whoops. What with work, studying, other personal hash that is my life, well my history more specifically, I've not really updated since the trip to Anfield..
I'm at work currently, which has been hectic, not to mention the amount of studying I've done and still have to do before my exam on Tuesday, which I think I'm going to fail...but, having a study demon weekend should help...
At least I have an old friend to meet on Wednesday, which should be good cuz I've missed them and I love them dearly..

Right, I'm outta here for now,

Take care,

Mouse x

Sunday 5 July 2009

You'll never walk alone...

Especially on a trip to Anfield. Yes, the mouse and hubby went off to Liverpool to go for "The Anfield Exprience" that I, stupidly, bought hubby for his Christmas present. It wasn't that bad and it was interesting to see.

We met Phil Neal, the Liverpool legend...he's a seriously tactile person, it was rather funny actually, we all met in reception and were told to go up to the third floor, it was SO hot, so hubby and I took the lift, the doors opened and Phil Neal kinda lurched at us to shake our hand, most surreal moment I've had in a long time lol

He was really chatty, a lil TOO chatty..and did I mention tactile? I mean we had our picture taken with him and he seriously was hugging me...kinda weird...

I've included my fave picture of the tour, can you tell that it's not my team? heh

Okay, three days of heat stroke is enough to send the mousey completely whappy...

Take care peoples and be good,

Mouse x

Wednesday 17 June 2009

End of an era...

Well, I've completed my course, did my exam yesterday...

After saying byas to hubby and setting off..I was stood, ready to get in my car, misjudged and whacked my forehead on the car....if that wasn't bad enough, I recoiled and whacked my head on the car I set off with mild concussion...

I eventually found my desk....after a friend shouted out where I was supposed to be sitting (I didn't know that they would have put the numbers going back instead of across! sheesh..)

Did the exam and then was told I couldn't leave the room for another half I just sat there not looking around the room in case I was accused of cheating rme

And! I put my mobile phone on silent...and was told that if they even heard the vibrating of a phone we'd be I turned off my phone...only to have, half an hour into the exam, the examiners phone go off with VERY loud music! idiot.

I don't get my results until 17th August, after 6pm via email :( that's a long, long wait, infact I get two footy matches from the new season before I get my results! Like that's fair.

Well, my head still hurts from headbutting the car...twice yesterday, and I'm really tired cuz sleep isn't happening that easily and even when I do get to sleep I tend to wake up at stupid o'clock :(

Well, I'm off to get some work done...

Take care peoples

Mouse x

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Right...lets get a few things straight..

My new boss seems to have my measure now, only took him a month and a bit haha, anyways here are some of the...choice phrases he uses to describe me:

* Cheeky (This refers to the fact that I'ma quite happy to tell crappy managers...that they're just that...crappy, to their faces, of course...and no, it wasn't about my boss)
* I can understand the temper now I know you were red headed when born
* You really don't take any sh*t from anyone
* You're very blunt when you're tired, no one could accuse you of beating around the bush (When I told him and the MD to F off when they were both trying to wind me up)
* You're the hardest worker in this office (Not actually so much of a compliment when you think about the peeps I work with...i.e. princess)
* I like winding you up, you tend to bite everytime (Not literally...yet)
* You are never happy (This was when I was mortified at the fact I got ONE question wrong on the mock exam I did....he's clearly never heard of being a perfectionist)

Heh, well life is a winding road and I hate the blind summits, cuz there is always something heading my way that I don't see coming.

Love me for who I am, if you don't, then I won't waste my time on you.

Always remember, never leave it too long, promise me once, promise me twice, promise me a thousand times...and those promises lie broken on the floor. No matter what you mean to me, I won't keep putting up with the lies. Make your mind up and act on it, words meaning nothing if they're not backed up with actions.

I'm the mouse, you're not x

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Strange things happen when you're going round the twist..

You know what really irks me? When people who think they know me tell me things about myself I know aren't true. A "friend" only sees a snippet of your life and some of them take that as being literal while ignoring the evidence that lies there in terms of refuting their theories. What's the point of arguing the point with them? If they've said it they obviously believe it so I, personally, don't see why I should put my case across, as it were. They're still gonna think they're right, I'm happy in the knowledge they're wrong, people can think what they like but it doesn't mean they're right.
There may be a point in there, with what they're saying, but I don't see why I should waste what little energies I have fighting their thoughts to make them feel better. I'm made of sturner stuff and if people don't like that, then they have to deal with it.
I'm aware of what I am and how I deal with things, I will "stand up for myself" when I have to but I don't see the point if either I don't agree or because I see things differently, variety is the spice of life and I don't see why I should be the one to have to please others. They don't do it for me so why should I do it back? I'm me, live with it, if you don't like it you know what you can do. Accept me for ME, my thoughts, ideas and the way I see myself, if you disagree so what? That's part of life too, just because I don't shove things down your throat doesn't mean that I don't agree or disagree, I'm a different character to you and don't feel that I require to explain myself to you at every turn. I love you to bits but it doesn't mean that I agree with some things you say. I take your moods because they're part of you and that's a big reason why I like you in the first place. I'll always listen to what you have to say, maybe not at the time, but it'll always come back to me, I respect and value your opinion, it means a lot to me, but at the end of the day, I'm me and I'll make my own mind up on how I handle things.

Don't try and understand me, just love me.

Mouse x

Wednesday 27 May 2009


FINALLY! Manchester United LOST and in the European Cup Final....AND Mouse won the bet with Mr Man U head!!! *does the mousey dance*

So, here in lies the revenge on Mr Man U head, after listening to him gloating, goading and generally pulling down my team, my plan is as follows:

I shall have a Barcelona FC badge on the side of my desk which you see when you walk in the office. I shall have YouTube set to play "Barcelona" for when he shows up AND I will oh so gracefully accept the £5 off him :D payback is a b*tch, he should know this by now...if he doesn't, he's about to receive a crash course.

Right, I'm off to relax for a little, but my foot hurts (I whacked the top of my foot on the corner of the bottom draw of my desk today, instant bruise and a nice big lump rme).

Take care out there and remember, above all else, Manchester United are L O S E R S :)

Mouse out x

Wednesday 20 May 2009

A trip across the border..

Mouse and hubby went to Wales for the night last night. Needed to get away before I imploded.

Bar the rain and coldness and virus I managed to pick up, it was a fun trip. We've only just got back so I'm going to chill and watch the end of The Apprentice...

Here is a lil picture of the mouse and an anchor, can't get much more random than that...

Saturday 16 May 2009

Angels and Demons...

Well, I got my exam results back yesterday and I got one question wrong of which I had to answer an additional question for...I did that okay, so that's that done. I now have revision time until the big bad exam on 16th June :( I'm seriously not looking forward to that one...

We went to see Angels and Demons yesterday evening, SO SO cool! I love those films (Forgetting the fact that the historical context is slightly best) I just think they're really good. AND they changed the ending of the book, which actually made the film better because the way it ended in the book was ...slightly unbelievable, so it was all good. The only issue I had was at the cinema they put the volume on "Burn out your ears"...I'm just glad I wasn't watching a lot of shooting or anything because I think my ears would have popped.

I think I have another cold which can't be a good thing, snuffles and sneezes :(
I'ma really tired too, thanks to another dream that woke me up last night rme I'ma getting rather fed up of them now...

Anyways, time to wake da hubby and to go and get some dindins and I think we need to go grocery shopping as well..

Catch you on the flip side..

Mouse x

Wednesday 13 May 2009

A night of Vincent Price

That man was awesome, I love watching his films and I shall be having a night of Mr Price this week!

I've not got much to talk about today, still in stressville, one-nil down on the bet but a long way to go yet, and my sleeping is getting worse, I just CAN'T get to sleep at night and it's starting to to drive me completely insane.

I just had one of the most bizarre phone calls...again from the blood people, are they multiplying and just...handing out my phone number and details so they can ring up randomally to apologise?! It's actually getting embarrasing with the amount of "sorries" I've recieved. I realise I have the blood type who can give to everyone...but can only receive my own back (Clearly last in the queue on that one then) but this is getting a little outta control. Apparently this was the nurse who actually gets to sort out the mess that Mr Needle Head made of my arm...they're having a meeting on Friday to create an "action plan" for his crapness to get...better...

I've said that I'll still go give blood, just not there anymore! I'll drive a lil further and hope I don't ever see him again, because I think I'd....not like that too much. They just need to chill a lil and let up on the apologising, the other staff were lovely as usual :)

Anyhoo, it's nearly time for The Apprentice and Sir Alan needs to fire Lorraine! Seriously.

Mouse out x

Thursday 7 May 2009

The bet....the exam....the play-off...and my continuing downhill spiral...

The Bet:

I made a bet with Mr Man U head's as follows:

In order that HE wins the bet, Manchester United MUST win the derby (Man u vs Man city) on Saturday, the Premiership...AND the Champion's League Cup!
In order that mouse wins, he just has to lose one of those matches...a whole £5 is up for grabs!

The Exam:

Hell in paper form, I'ma take it but I am going to crash and burn, I don't know enough for this one...and my head isn't here, it's safetly tucked away in it's own lil world.

The Play-off:

Leg one, away at Preston....COME ON SHEFFIELD UNITED!!!

The Continuing Down hill spiral:

Still happening. Mouse not very happy right now, kinda hurting, worried, stressed, tired and missing a few peeps...

Thus ends today's lesson in the land of the Green Mouse...

Take care out there...and please, don't try and understand me, just love me.

Mouse x

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Not much of a fun day

I realise this is rather...random, but I had this conversation today with our managing director..

MD "What's the matter with you today?"
Mouse "Nothing"
MD "Bullsh*t"
Mouse "You're reading things that aren't there."
MD "No, I'm not. You're not your usual happy, bubbly, slightly forceful character...there is something not quite right but I can't put my finger on it."
*Mouse shakes her head* The subject is changed.

So, apparently I'm not that good at hiding things and I thought that I did a really good job that, knowing him, he'll ask duck girl and then ask me next opportunity.

I refuse to talk about the "sporting weekend" cuz it was complete, heart-breaking disaster.

I have an exam on Friday of which I'm seriously thinking of skipping because I think I'll just crash and burn this one. My head isn't here, I'm in my own world again, safer there.

I lost someone, someone that I've known for ten years whom I thought of as my sister, but it turns out not everything is as it seems.

I'ma mouse dealing so you'll just have to come along for the ride...again.

Mouse x

Saturday 2 May 2009

Welcome to the long sporting weekend...

Well, it's Saturday and we have the Hatton vs Pacquiao boxing match at some unGodly hour in the morning...around 3am is the predicted starting time, but knowing how these things work I think we're looking more at 4am rme, that should be interesting to try and stay up for...
I, obviously, want Ricky to win, cuz he's just a genius! But, it is a fight in America so, if he doesn't knock him out, there is no way that he'll win. The bias of boxing referees is beyond even the scope of the Beijing Olympics...and that's saying something...

Then tomorrow, we have our final Championship match that we MUST win and if Birmingham don't win...then we'll get automatic promotion!! If not, we have to go through playoffs and ANYTHING can happen there. I'ma not looking forward to it but it's something I must go through, the joys of being a supporter of a team that can't win a match when their lives depend on it...or just wait until the last possible moment to score...sheesh.

I think I'll have Monday to try and grieve...or celebrate, I don't know....don't try and understand me, just love me!

Right, I'm off to bug someone, anyone who happens to be around :)

Take care out there...and I'll try and keep my blood pressure down...a lil..

Mouse x

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Fed up...

I'm SO fed up today, why do people call me a friend and then treat me like a door mat? Then, if I get angry or anything it's apparently my fault?

I'll be somewhat honest, I've got a lot of issues at the moment, some bigger than others and I just need someone I trust to listen to me...give me some advice, even a kick up the backside if required. I don't want to go off the rails anymore but sometimes I don't see another option.

Either be my friend or don't, don't play games with me, you will not win, I'm stronger than that. Be there for me or don't, don't play in the grey area.

This is your time to decide.


Thursday 23 April 2009

Is it the weekend yet?

It's only Thursday and already I want to just....drop dead or something..

Got woken up early this morning cuz my arm was just all pins and needles rme

Anyways, after speaking to the Queen Vampire (Or Dr Blood...or something like that.) from the blood service, she's put in an official complaint about Mr Needle Head which can only be a good thing. To be honest I'd just like another keyring, that'll do me.

I did have one thing good happen today, after leaving my studying for two weeks over the Easter break I left it until today to finish...well the whole load of work I left. I'd already done it! Damn, I'm good :D

I plan on chilling tonight and maybe watching a film or two, I know it's politics night but it's all about the budget and I just don't want to go there anymore, it's gonna cost me more to live. No surprise...

Right, I'ma outta here to go do...something...


Mouse x

Monday 20 April 2009

Mean Vampires...

So Mouse went to give blood again, straight after work. I HATE needles...(although tattoos and piercings are fine...must be a mouse thing) I always tell the person who is jabbing me...that I'm fine...once the needle is in....
I got this guy whose bed side manor....well I liken it to Jason Vorhee's sympathy for stranded teenagers...He actually jabbed me with NO warning, retardo that he was.
He kept fiddling with the needle, kept coming back to me to turn the needle, no warning, nothing. He was mean for no reason. He didn't tell me what was going on, I think, in the end, he thought that I was bleeding too slowly....cuz 12 minutes is too slow?! Apparently the last twist of the tube/needle made it work so perhaps it was his lack of technical ability as opposed to me not moving my hand enough.
Luckily, when I finished, I had a lovely nurse look after me and not needle head...

Anyways, I'ma gonna go watch my beloved Sheffield United hopefully win tonight because we NEED to or I think automatic promotion is out of the window seens as Birmingham won on Saturday :(

Watch this space, and watch out for Mr Needle head.

Mouse x

Saturday 18 April 2009


I know my team, blades, aren't playing until Monday....but it's Saturday so it's football day! :) We're currently watching SoccerAM...and they have one of my all time favourite players/characters EVER on...Gazza.
I'm glad he got his addictions under control, kudos to him....but he's not the same person he once was and I wonder how much that took out of him. It's really sad to watch him now, heart breaking to be honest. :(

Well, I'm off to settle down with my coffee and watch the rest of SoccerAM, apparently Skills Skool is from the town I live in...I didn't know anyone had footy skills around here, except for the actual football team...of course...

Take care out there..

Mouse x

Thursday 16 April 2009

Another day another tonne of coffee

Okies, so the boiler at work broke so mouse has been frozen the past week until I realised we had a spare heater at home....and they found a few other electric ones at work, so at least I'm not sat at my desk shivering anymore, that can only be a good thing :)

My old boss is off for the day tomorrow and as I have no college I'ma at work with da new boss. Should be interesting. He seems to think more like I do, so you never know I may not have to find a new job after all! He's taking a great interest in my studying which is never good, I'ma take some work in tomorrow anyways as I've still not started on my homework...and I have another assessment on 8th May :( I can't show him my portfolio though cuz that's still at college for the EV to view and assess....eek!

It's also Duck girls bday tomorrow, I got her the BESTEST present of which I can't type up here cuz she may read before she opens and I wanna see her face when she does, I hope she likes it!
It was one of my neices' birthday today too, we went up to visit and then on Saturday I gots my Great Nephew's first birthday...that's a lot of birthdays in a row!

Actually, we'll be back up there on Sunday too cuz I've a lounge FULL of furniture for my eldest neice's house, and although Salem loves the fact that his bed is on top of the's gotta go at some point...(Gonna make hubby do that cuz then sales can hate him instead of me heh)

Right, I gotta get some caffiene or something....cuz I'ma starting to fade a lil..

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Sunday 12 April 2009

The Zoo!

Mouse and hubby went to the zoo today! Twycross to be precise and it was very very fun! Although very busy, but still an enjoyable day :)

However, the Dwarf Crocodile appeared to have gone that wasn't a good thing cuz I love my crocs and gators and not one to see. :(

There is a random picture of the mouse and a giraffe, see if you can guess which is which :)

Okies, I'ma out of here, watching Saw 5 with commentary...and talking with a dear friend.

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Friday 10 April 2009

The life of a green mousey...ugh

Why is it, whenever I feel like I've got somewhere, that I'm happy and I think I have a grasp of everything...does something happen to blow that to hell? I just...give up. I'm fed up of being hurt, no matter what it is, I'm just sick of having to sort everything out because it happens all the time, and has done for the past...oh 30 years. You woulda thought that people would actually give me a break at some point? But apparently, that's not on anyone's agenda and I'm just...sick to death of it.
I currently stand before you after being rejected by my own family. I know it's been a long time since I spoke to them and such so I don't think it hurts as much as it probably should, but I'm just left...with nothing. I lost Midi, he was my baby and so now there is me, hubby and his family....but that's not the same as having my own family...I don't miss them as people I just miss having my own people to fall back on. I get "friends" that turn out to be as bad as my family was, then people wonder why I have low self-esteem when the common factor between all these things is me...what am I supposed to think?
I'm sick of being walked over and then attacked because I point out the fact, how is that fair? I guess they all have the same thoughts..."oh, it's only mouse...doesn't matter how we treat her"...
Well guess what? It DOES matter how you treat me because I freaking bite. I've never been known for being shy and retiring, and it's a good job I'm not or I wouldn't be where I am today if I were, not that that is saying a great deal when it comes to my relationships with friends...apparently. There are exceptions to this rule and those people know who they are and I thank them for being true friends.
You wanna not tell me important stuff in your life and then still claim to be my friend? Good luck to you buddy cuz my idea of friends isn't what yours clearly is.
Also, you want to feed me the same lines for the past 10 years and wonder why I don't believe you? Wow, I know I have my gullible moments but I'm not completely brain dead.

With me, you get treated how you treat me, so I DON'T apologise for any of my actions if I've been hurt, cuz guess what? YOU had it coming.

This is the Mouse, you gotta problem with that, then phone someone who gives a damn.

Wednesday 8 April 2009


Okay, so I'm a lil whappy. Apparently living the life of stress and coffee is an...interesting one in the Green World of Mousey...

Days are just passing, my memory is shot, work is really busy so all my efforts are on there and I have NO idea where I keep getting the energy from to keep going. I got to three o'clock today and I just hit the wall, my tiredness just hit me, that wasn't fun...

I have a semi-new boss, I say semi because he only started yesterday. He got to meet the mouse today though muhahaha, I saw my old boss kinda smiling when I was laying my territory down, in a subtle but yet at the same time, blatant way. I think it worked :)

One of the reps rang up and couldn't believe the new guy had not only met me but had actually come back in! Cheeky git, I only give him hassle though cuz he's an easier target than me (He's southern)

Ah, it's been a long week, but we have the four day weekend coming up which I am looking forward to, if not just to catch myself up.
I've a TONNE of homework to get done, and I didn't have a break last weekend cuz we were moving Grandma and then trying to sort out our spare room of doom....

Ugh, I'ma bored, a lot...and restless and...I dunno, something else I guess but I can't think of the word for it right now...

Oh oh! I saw my beautiful Blades (Sheffield United) playing and winning! They play again on Friday night and and and and if we beat Reading then I think that we could get AUTOMATIC promotion!!! MUHAHAHAHA I'm beyond excited for that!! I don't think my heart can take another play-offs, and I think we deserve to go back up seens as last time we came back down we were ROBBED! Cheating West Ham and cheating FA! tut

Right, I'ma go annoy someone...or something, I dunno, see that's a fun life I dunno what I'm gonna do next! I'm so random of late...

Right, outta my world you go!...(Come back and visit soon though!)

I'm the Mouse, you're not. x

Saturday 28 March 2009

Another thing..

Went to college today and found out that my work has been selected to be viewed by the AAT...yikes! I've got all the folder up todate and everything so hopefully it all goes well...Had another mini exam today too and managed to scrape through that...yes, with another 100%. I swear it has to stop at some point, I'm just hoping it's not at that big exam in June :(

Anyways, I'ma happy, kinda, and just chilling, watching some Dancing on Ice DVDs I got, I got an ECW DVD too yesterday, something about how it became hardcore so that should be interesting.

I just wondered why I was feeling wiped out, its nearly 2am, I should get some sleep shortly otherwise I'll sleep through SoccerAM and that's one of my all time fave shows :)

I kinda feel a lil void of emotion right now, so perhaps I should get that aforementioned sleep.

Take care out there and have a good one

Mouse x

Thursday 26 March 2009

I made it..I think...

Okay, so I managed, just about to get through the day that made me the big....30 ..I can even say it now without wanting to cry....too much :)

I am typing this while blasting my ears with my new GREEN ipod! Sooooo cool, thankies hubby :D

Well, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride today, I was glad that I wasn't met with balloons and banners this morning though, I think I woulda just...walked out again....

There is one thing that came out of this though, I've had a decision made for me. I'm me, I'm on my own and I'm gonna do this MY way because there is no other way now. They made their decision and I'm happy that they did.

Anyways, I have music!! from a lil green thing!!! SOOO cool!

Catch ya on the flip side

mouse out x

Tuesday 24 March 2009


Okay, if ONE more person mentions Thursday I think I'm gonna start getting a lil stab happy!! People should listen to the mouse instead of nodding while I'm speaking and then ignoring everything I've ever said!!
People are planning something...I know this because it's written all over their faces and I don't want anything!! AGGHH!! I swear, if I come to work and can't find my desk due to balloons and/or streamers I think that I will just walk out again...Now, there is an idea, I should book the day off and not tell anyone lol that might be a plan! :)

Anyways, I have to finish this credit review stuff, I know, I live a fun life :)

Take care out there

Mouse x

Sunday 22 March 2009

The countdown has started...

Well, it's Sunday and I'm completely shattered, I have the week from hell coming up...
It's my bday on Thursday and, unlike a raffle, where things end in a's not a good age...I'll go up to the next tick box on surveys and everything! Not good.

It's Mothering Sunday today to, which is kinda hard cuz I miss my baby, he always got me a prezzie (Something you can't eat...other wise he'd have eaten it before I'd have even had chance to see it)

So, once this week is out of the way, things might not be too bad, so long as no one EVER asks how old I am...oh, dear, I feel like I have one foot in the grave and the other slipping :(

Anyways, I'ma out of here, I got a pile of homework to do...oh joy,

Take care out there and if you're not the mouse....then you're lucky this week :)

Mouse xx

Saturday 21 March 2009

The Beautiful British People...

Well, I just got back from seeing the Al Murray stand up show, it was SO funny!! Unfortunately hubby was poorly and couldn't go, so I went with my sis-in-law, which was fun :)

I'ma not on long because it's been a looonngg week and I'ma really tired, worn out really and exhausted, but hey, did I mention Al Murray was really funny?...Oh, yeah I think I did :D

Why is it that wherever I go, I always over hear an American (That's not so surprising considering their volume) whining about something? Can they not just shut up for once? Heck, one even tried to take on the mighty Al Murray, but was put firmly back in his place heh, that was funny.

Right, bed time, I'm completely shattered,

Nighty night,

Mouse x

PS....I PASSED MY EXAM!!! WOOHOO 100% record STILL stands!!! :D

Sunday 15 March 2009

Mouse meets Arbour Low

The Mouse and hubby went to Arbour Low yesterday, which was an experience. It's a neolithic stone circle and hill set on the top of a big hill in Derbyshire. We were the only ones visiting, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the howling gale nor the fact it was raining most of the time and did I mention it was freezing cold too?
Anyways, I actually found it more impressive than Stonehenge, having said that I think Avebury is also better than Stonehenge too.

There was something quite beautiful and calming about the whole site to be honest and I'd go there again.

Back to work tomorrow so I'd better sort some things out,

Until the next time..

Mouse x

Thursday 12 March 2009

The land of the scarfs...

This title was brought to you by the fact I'm wearing a lovely floaty type scarf today...that and the fact that I'm not as witty as I used to be..apparently..

Nothing much happening in the Green World at the moment, I have another joyous exam (Whomever thought that it was a good idea to have an exam on Friday, 13th needs to be...shot? I don't know) Eh, I've done little to no revision so I'd best sort that out tonight, last minute cramming ALWAYS pays off, I know because I got where I am today thanks to it :)

A friend outta my past turned up this week, which was a lovely surprise, she's cool, and we had a nice chat, its good to have some peeps around again...My main lady is working, damn that time difference between countries so I only usually catch up with her on weekends when it's some unGodly hour over here :(

We have a trip to go and see the comedian Al Murray a week tomorrow, which should be funny, goodness knows I need a laugh about now...just so long as he doesn't pick on me, that would be bad, but I have cleverly got seats that mean I don't think he will...*fingers crossed*

Anyhoo, I'm outta here :)

Mouse x

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Foreign Treats!

Okay, it's a tradition that if you go on holiday you bring something back from your holiday, something to eat. The MD brought back some foreign...nice(ish) looking biscuits...I was told, by the transport manager that they were "yummy"...Now, I did pause at this to make sure that I wasn't being tricked...but he seemed quite genuine and they were only the size of about a 50p piece so I picked one up and took it to the office, telling Duck Girl about my biscuit adventure...
I took a bite...dropped it in the bin and nearly threw up. Investigative Journalist Duck Girl (Her newly and dodgedley attained job title) went and got one and surmised that it had peanut butter in it, which is why I rejected it quite so quickly...peanut butter needs to be banned, the government likes banning things, I think this should be one of them...

Until the next time, Duck Girl is an investigative journalist (What is the world coming too?!) and I'm....bored!

Mouse x

I think, we may have just had Zorro in our office (Although he needs to work on the cape flinging ability...and maybe even upgrade from coat to cape, but what do I know..)

Friday 27 February 2009

Its Friday!!!

Not only is it Friday, it's Friday evening!! AND I have vodka! Finally my week from hell has come to an end, until it starts over on Monday...
The exam, was really bad, never good when they give you a question you not only don't know the answer to but to not understand the question...yikes!
Oh well, we'll have to see next Friday. Now less yapping and mooorreee drinking! Catch you on the other side...of something :)

Mouse out x

Thursday 26 February 2009


Well, thanks to lack of the database at work, I had to try and cram a whole days work AND balance everything within an hour....needless to say, nothing balanced and I have to sort it all out whenever I finish my exam tomorrow. Stress doesn't even slightly cover it and I have the feeling that maybe I should have gotten a whole lot more vodka for tomorrow night at the rate I'm going. I may explode with stress! I should be worrying about my exam (Which I am) but with that comes worrying about month end and all that jazz, trying to balance with people telling me to "hurry it up" a round about sort of way. What do they think that i do exactly? Just sit there and tell them I'm doing stuff when I'm not and I'm just stopping them from working because I can? I don't understand some people and never will. I don't do power trips, I do work.
I have to get up earlier in the morning to sort out the bank stuff and then exam...and then straight to work...I hate my life now. But the thought of vodka will get me through! (If you have me on MSN, i shall be completely smashed tomorrow night, so good luck with that one).

Well I gotta go do...something...because I'm going slightly mad...

Mouse x

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Don't blame it on the sunshine...

Well, I don't think that I've been around too much looking at the amount of blogs I've done, I hate it when real life presses itself into the Green World of the Mouse...

I've had a week from hell and it's only Wednesday! I've got to do an exam I'm so not prepared for on friday, but then go back into work to do month end! Ugh, however, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. I have already purchased large quantities of vodka which I will be introducing on Friday night. I plan to get completely smashed for a few reasons...
My stress levels are through the roof at the moment, I've not had a drink since New Year's Eve (I don't think that a glass of some fizzy white wine stuff counts as really drinking) and the best reason: because I can :)

Ahh my beloved Sheffield United are playing on Thursday and Sunday and they're both on television which could be a blessing...or not. It would be nice to see us actually win for's been a while!

I've got one more mock exam to get done, although I don't understand that one because I don't have the answers so how it's going to help me in a day's time is beyond me, but I'm sure it'll just feed my stress levels that little bit more...

I've just watched Liverpool playing in Europe, oh boy, that was a dull match and a flukey win! :P @ hubby

Right I'm tired and icky so I should go chill for a little. I'm sure, once my life isnt quite so hectic that I shall actually manage to chill...but don't hold your breath :)

Take care out there...and please wish me luck for I am going to need it :)

Until the next time,

I'm the Mouse and you're not x

Monday 16 February 2009


Can we say "slightly down" in the last post ya got from me? I'm doing a little bit better, seens as stress is apparently my new friend :) I've been living with it for the past few weeks (Sorry hubby!) eh, I'll get through it, always do cuz I have to really.

Nothing of note has really happened, although it seems strange to be saying that when my head is still whirring a mile a minute, I wish my head had like...a leg that I could stick out causing the thoughts to get tripped up and to give me a break, that would be real nice...

Well, some of us still have a pile of work to do! Yikes, best get on with it...

Until the next time,

This is the mouse, who the heck are you?

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Pride before a fall...and all that jazz

This might come across as whining, but ya know what? I don't care.
Pride comes before a fall, and again that's what has happened to me in my life. I'm just sick of it. I've lost friends, people I looked to for support, laughter, a bit of fun...I've lost my poochy, my lil boy who meant more than the world to me, I've not got a lot to show from my life and I'm tired of working my fingers to the bone to try and prove something to the world when it gets me exactly no where. I passed my exam, which was the pride...the fall is my career. Just when things seem to be going in the right direction someone or something pulls the rug from under my feet and it's happened again. I'm out of energy, I'm sick of fighting my way back, I want some control and I don't have any. I'm done with fighting back because I've very little to fight back for, what's the point? It all goes anyway.

I'm outta here, I don't even know why I'm bothering to write this.

Friday 16 January 2009

Woohoo! Exam is over, although I'm not happy and won't be until I get my results next Friday...see how well I did :S

Starting new topics next week as well so it's going to be a busy time, I've another 4 exams which ends in June and then a two month wait to get my result...unless I have to resit the simulations again which will be straight after that main exam in June...not much fun! We'll see how it goes...

Anyways, I'm shattered so I'ma gonna chill for a bit,

take care out there,

Mouse x

Thursday 15 January 2009


Slightly stressed doesn't really cover it, I've got my first of five exams tomorrow and I'm scared to death!! It's more difficult and a lot more pressure when the company is paying for your course...not to mention the fact that it's a 100% pass pressure then...

*Deep breath*

I get the results next Friday so at least that's not too long, dragged out thing althought that will take place on my 5th exam :(

Oh well, I'd better do some more revising, wish me luck, for I am going to need it!!

Watch out for mutant snowmen!!

Mouse xx