Friday 10 April 2009

The life of a green mousey...ugh

Why is it, whenever I feel like I've got somewhere, that I'm happy and I think I have a grasp of everything...does something happen to blow that to hell? I just...give up. I'm fed up of being hurt, no matter what it is, I'm just sick of having to sort everything out because it happens all the time, and has done for the past...oh 30 years. You woulda thought that people would actually give me a break at some point? But apparently, that's not on anyone's agenda and I'm just...sick to death of it.
I currently stand before you after being rejected by my own family. I know it's been a long time since I spoke to them and such so I don't think it hurts as much as it probably should, but I'm just left...with nothing. I lost Midi, he was my baby and so now there is me, hubby and his family....but that's not the same as having my own family...I don't miss them as people I just miss having my own people to fall back on. I get "friends" that turn out to be as bad as my family was, then people wonder why I have low self-esteem when the common factor between all these things is me...what am I supposed to think?
I'm sick of being walked over and then attacked because I point out the fact, how is that fair? I guess they all have the same thoughts..."oh, it's only mouse...doesn't matter how we treat her"...
Well guess what? It DOES matter how you treat me because I freaking bite. I've never been known for being shy and retiring, and it's a good job I'm not or I wouldn't be where I am today if I were, not that that is saying a great deal when it comes to my relationships with friends...apparently. There are exceptions to this rule and those people know who they are and I thank them for being true friends.
You wanna not tell me important stuff in your life and then still claim to be my friend? Good luck to you buddy cuz my idea of friends isn't what yours clearly is.
Also, you want to feed me the same lines for the past 10 years and wonder why I don't believe you? Wow, I know I have my gullible moments but I'm not completely brain dead.

With me, you get treated how you treat me, so I DON'T apologise for any of my actions if I've been hurt, cuz guess what? YOU had it coming.

This is the Mouse, you gotta problem with that, then phone someone who gives a damn.