Thursday 16 April 2009

Another day another tonne of coffee

Okies, so the boiler at work broke so mouse has been frozen the past week until I realised we had a spare heater at home....and they found a few other electric ones at work, so at least I'm not sat at my desk shivering anymore, that can only be a good thing :)

My old boss is off for the day tomorrow and as I have no college I'ma at work with da new boss. Should be interesting. He seems to think more like I do, so you never know I may not have to find a new job after all! He's taking a great interest in my studying which is never good, I'ma take some work in tomorrow anyways as I've still not started on my homework...and I have another assessment on 8th May :( I can't show him my portfolio though cuz that's still at college for the EV to view and assess....eek!

It's also Duck girls bday tomorrow, I got her the BESTEST present of which I can't type up here cuz she may read before she opens and I wanna see her face when she does, I hope she likes it!
It was one of my neices' birthday today too, we went up to visit and then on Saturday I gots my Great Nephew's first birthday...that's a lot of birthdays in a row!

Actually, we'll be back up there on Sunday too cuz I've a lounge FULL of furniture for my eldest neice's house, and although Salem loves the fact that his bed is on top of the's gotta go at some point...(Gonna make hubby do that cuz then sales can hate him instead of me heh)

Right, I gotta get some caffiene or something....cuz I'ma starting to fade a lil..

Take care out there,

Mouse x