Saturday 21 March 2009

The Beautiful British People...

Well, I just got back from seeing the Al Murray stand up show, it was SO funny!! Unfortunately hubby was poorly and couldn't go, so I went with my sis-in-law, which was fun :)

I'ma not on long because it's been a looonngg week and I'ma really tired, worn out really and exhausted, but hey, did I mention Al Murray was really funny?...Oh, yeah I think I did :D

Why is it that wherever I go, I always over hear an American (That's not so surprising considering their volume) whining about something? Can they not just shut up for once? Heck, one even tried to take on the mighty Al Murray, but was put firmly back in his place heh, that was funny.

Right, bed time, I'm completely shattered,

Nighty night,

Mouse x

PS....I PASSED MY EXAM!!! WOOHOO 100% record STILL stands!!! :D