Sunday 22 March 2009

The countdown has started...

Well, it's Sunday and I'm completely shattered, I have the week from hell coming up...
It's my bday on Thursday and, unlike a raffle, where things end in a's not a good age...I'll go up to the next tick box on surveys and everything! Not good.

It's Mothering Sunday today to, which is kinda hard cuz I miss my baby, he always got me a prezzie (Something you can't eat...other wise he'd have eaten it before I'd have even had chance to see it)

So, once this week is out of the way, things might not be too bad, so long as no one EVER asks how old I am...oh, dear, I feel like I have one foot in the grave and the other slipping :(

Anyways, I'ma out of here, I got a pile of homework to do...oh joy,

Take care out there and if you're not the mouse....then you're lucky this week :)

Mouse xx