Wednesday 4 March 2009

Foreign Treats!

Okay, it's a tradition that if you go on holiday you bring something back from your holiday, something to eat. The MD brought back some foreign...nice(ish) looking biscuits...I was told, by the transport manager that they were "yummy"...Now, I did pause at this to make sure that I wasn't being tricked...but he seemed quite genuine and they were only the size of about a 50p piece so I picked one up and took it to the office, telling Duck Girl about my biscuit adventure...
I took a bite...dropped it in the bin and nearly threw up. Investigative Journalist Duck Girl (Her newly and dodgedley attained job title) went and got one and surmised that it had peanut butter in it, which is why I rejected it quite so quickly...peanut butter needs to be banned, the government likes banning things, I think this should be one of them...

Until the next time, Duck Girl is an investigative journalist (What is the world coming too?!) and I'm....bored!

Mouse x

I think, we may have just had Zorro in our office (Although he needs to work on the cape flinging ability...and maybe even upgrade from coat to cape, but what do I know..)