Saturday 16 May 2009

Angels and Demons...

Well, I got my exam results back yesterday and I got one question wrong of which I had to answer an additional question for...I did that okay, so that's that done. I now have revision time until the big bad exam on 16th June :( I'm seriously not looking forward to that one...

We went to see Angels and Demons yesterday evening, SO SO cool! I love those films (Forgetting the fact that the historical context is slightly best) I just think they're really good. AND they changed the ending of the book, which actually made the film better because the way it ended in the book was ...slightly unbelievable, so it was all good. The only issue I had was at the cinema they put the volume on "Burn out your ears"...I'm just glad I wasn't watching a lot of shooting or anything because I think my ears would have popped.

I think I have another cold which can't be a good thing, snuffles and sneezes :(
I'ma really tired too, thanks to another dream that woke me up last night rme I'ma getting rather fed up of them now...

Anyways, time to wake da hubby and to go and get some dindins and I think we need to go grocery shopping as well..

Catch you on the flip side..

Mouse x