Wednesday 13 May 2009

A night of Vincent Price

That man was awesome, I love watching his films and I shall be having a night of Mr Price this week!

I've not got much to talk about today, still in stressville, one-nil down on the bet but a long way to go yet, and my sleeping is getting worse, I just CAN'T get to sleep at night and it's starting to to drive me completely insane.

I just had one of the most bizarre phone calls...again from the blood people, are they multiplying and just...handing out my phone number and details so they can ring up randomally to apologise?! It's actually getting embarrasing with the amount of "sorries" I've recieved. I realise I have the blood type who can give to everyone...but can only receive my own back (Clearly last in the queue on that one then) but this is getting a little outta control. Apparently this was the nurse who actually gets to sort out the mess that Mr Needle Head made of my arm...they're having a meeting on Friday to create an "action plan" for his crapness to get...better...

I've said that I'll still go give blood, just not there anymore! I'll drive a lil further and hope I don't ever see him again, because I think I'd....not like that too much. They just need to chill a lil and let up on the apologising, the other staff were lovely as usual :)

Anyhoo, it's nearly time for The Apprentice and Sir Alan needs to fire Lorraine! Seriously.

Mouse out x