Friday 31 October 2008

Sleep deprivation and green genies

After complaining yesterday with regards to being so tired, I've managed to get NO sleep at all last night, so I'm at work (Got in an hour and a half early) completely amazed with the outside world I've not seen for three whole days..

To say I'm feeling a little rough wouldn't really cut it, the words I would use to describe how I feel aren't really appropriate for this kind of blog, but I'm sure you can all come up with some by yourselves.

I've make the executive decision that once I've completed month end procedure I shall be going home to go and pass out and dream of green genies...Although, the better idea would be to keep going today so that I can actually sleep tonight...Either way, as soon as post arrives and I've completed month end I'm outta here...

I apologise now for any typos but I have my cool blood like nails on, and they're reather long so I'm tending to type two letters instead of the one that I actually want, plus the fact that my brain is AWOL and I still feel like plop I'm not checking it like I usually do...

Its rather chilly out there today, or so I've been told, my temperature is through the roof, bar my legs, which is realy weird, they're all cold again...I really should keep a blanket in my drawer..

I'm babbling, I'm aware of this but I'm waiting post which doesn't get here until something after 11.30am which is far too late, when all I want to do is curl up somewhere and go sleepies..
Wow, I've just been into the factory and it's freezing in there! I'm sat back in the office with my coat on and scarf over my legs! Trying to stay awake is rather hard these days. I remember the good ol' days when I could do an alnighter, pull off a day of work and still be fine to do it more than four times a week...without battering an eye lid...too much. Got to love any form it may come.

Still awaiting sleepy.


Duck girl did learn something new today, as did the mouse....apparently diarys lie about time differences and New Zealand is more than 12 hours in front of us! See now you've learnt something too! Not to mention the bloke she got out of bed so he could answer the phone...whoops.



Mouse x