Wednesday 22 October 2008

Old Skool Introduction

You might well wonder at the title, because as you read this blog you'll find that it has nothing to do with "old Skool", I merely put that there because it causes my hubby to twitch, he REALLY doesn't like I thought it would be a rather uh, productive way of introducing everyone to the world of a green mouse.
I don't know what you were expecting when you "stumbled" on to this blog, but I'll bet you don't get anything near exciting out of this. I thought that I should be up front about the whole thing and therefore negaite any further action you may deem demanding the time back from me it took you to read this in the first place...I'll tell you now, for free, it ain't happening :)
Anyways, after saying all that, I don't know what to write about, I'm currently at work (shhhh don't tell the boss)
I'll confess it now, my career, as my husband gleefully informed me, came top of the listener's vote for Talk sport radio, for being the most boring one ever...Accountancy. I love it, Mary Poppins was right, when "my heart would overflow with joy of totalling up a balance book."
I guess I should tell you a lil more about myself, you've discovered so far that a) I like to wind my husband up and b) I work and love, I'm not surprised now, that the little voice in my head left through sheer boredom...but I still have it's twin brother Bob, whom, it seems, likes the fact my brain doesn't usually bother me unless it wants to play swing ball.

Anyways, on to what I'm up to for the week. It's a week full of work, no college for two weeks, so I'm here Monday to Friday, and like Dolly Parton sings "working 9 til 5"
On Friday, I'm hoping we get around to seeing Saw 5, I've been waiting for it for a year now, which in film land, isn't that long, but still I am hoping it answers a few questions, although I'll bet it leaves some wide open for Saw 6...For those of you familiar with the Saw franchise, I am pleased to say I now fully understand Saw IV, it only took me a few thousand times of watching it on DVD and then listening to the commentry while my hubby tried to explain it...even the pie chart he used didn't help...Having said all that, I want to watch it again before we watch Saw V and then I can, hopefully, follow Saw V and then await Saw VI...
After a trip to the cinema on Friday, Saturday, we will be off to good ole Sheffield Arena (HallamFM Arena since it sold out) to watch Motorcross...which is great fun, except the obvious flaw that it's done INSIDE the arena with just a back door open, needless to say we both come away smelling like petrol heads and with a headache that makes you feel you've drank waayyyy too much. I know this is a real long shot, but we've been going for the last few years and two years ago, I was sat next to this guy, ohhh he was...lovely, big build, longish dark hair, black leather jacket, and we were talking alot, about the bikes...and if only my hubby wasn't there...and I wasn't married all happily like....ya know...well...uhh I don't know where I'm going with this other than I'd like to sit next to him again, he was a serious babe...
Ahem, I think we should move on quickly, because, no doubt, I'ma gonna be in trouble for that...
That's a point, we're off to Nottingham Arena in November to watch WWE SmackDown...I need to find out where Nottingham Arena is (I'm guessing Nottingham, but that's as far as I've got so far) I'm sure my trusty TomTom will be able (With the aid of Mr T's voice who won't take ANY of my jibber jabber and threatens to jump outta of my tomtom when I so much as look down another road that isn't on his route) to get me there safely...

I've got a banging headache today, it's really irritiating me, it's made even worse by the Office Princess who, in Mr T's own words, won't "stop all the jibber jabber", she's in a seperate office from me, down the hall, through reception and then on to her end office, but blooming heck, that girl is LOUD when she wants to be, I went and shut her office door, but the hint doesn't appear to be taken, tis a hard life, sometimes, being the Green Mouse...

I'm currently completely sleep deprivated, which makes me a lot more whappy than normal. Coffee is my friend, it, just about, gets me through the day...It's because of my beloved poochy, named Midnight Shadow, only called that when he's really naughty and I'm ranting at him, he's usually known as Mid or Midi...or Scooby Doo. I've had Mid since he was 10 weeks old and I had him at a point in my life when I didn't really have anyone else...He's got a bad skin condition, and although he's happy enough in himself, he's losing his fur, which isn't re-growing, but to me, he'll always be the most beautiful dog in the world. Recently, because of his treatment of steroids over the past 4 or 5 years, they're catching him up and starting to eat away at his muscles meaning he can no longer get upstairs and sleep in our bedroom, as he has since he was a pup. It's so sad to see him getting older and with him being downstairs now, I'm getting up earlier to check on him and going to bed later so I can just be with him...
...speaking of coffee, I think I need to go get some more... :)

Well, I'ma out of here for now Mouse and her coffee need some private time, I shall be back, at some point, if I remember the login or even the fact I have a blog...

Take care out there...

Mousey x