Thursday 23 October 2008

It's a cold day in Mouse land

So, here I am, back at work, my life is fun packed, you really don't have to point that out to me, I already know. A correction on my first blog "Old Skool" where my lovely hubby pointed out that Acountancy wasn't voted the most boring occupation, it was the least sexy. This coming from a man that works in about nerdy!!

So, anyways, I sorted out parking and travel to Nottingham, by my estimation, even if it were rush hour, it would take less than an hour, so if you're ever stuck for directions....NEVER ask my husband. Actually, he could have just been winding me up, I don't know, it's hard to tell sometimes....

I'm going to be in budget hell for most of the day, which means this blog, probably ain't gonna get much written, but you never know, I'm world reknowned for my multi-tasking skills, although when I say world reknowned, I really mean...just that I can multi-task...

I have done a monumental thing, I have booked Saw V tickets for tomorrow afternoon as I've booked the afternoon off work! I'm SO excited about finally seeing it, it had better be good...or...I'll be disappointed....

I've just noticed, I've put a poster on my wall entitled "Sayings we'd like to see on those office inspriation posters", it's one of those email lists you get and I have two of my favourite sayings on there!
"Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed them." - there is only one slight problem with this one, I'm running out of places to hide the bodies...
and my ultimate favourite one:
"Go the extra mile, it makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker"..this is both amusing and true.

You might have noticed that I'm struggling and floundering in writing this blog right now, that would be because I am running on a few hours sleep and I've not had enough coffee yet, although my tummy keeps warning me not too, cuz I feel sick, but hey, I'm a trooper, and coffee IS my friend.

Tis the afternoon and I'm all alone in the mighty accounts office, you might have noticed that I don't use people's names, because for one, that would be unfair, but mainly because I don't wanna hear the whining and bitching that would happen should I put names on here and they find out. So, me and Duck Lady (She doesn't know this yet, and if she doesn't like the name I've given she can vito it) are going to come up with suitable nicknames for the office peoples!
It could be exciting and amusing, well we'll be amused anyways, it doesn't take much around here :)

I can hear the budget's calling my name, so for now, fair blog I must leave you, but I shall return, at some point, I don't know where or when but it'll at least keep all one of you that's reading this thinking...

Take care out there and wrap up warm!!

Mouse x