Thursday 23 October 2008

Saw Eve and general ramblings

well, tis the eve of Saw V and I've just finished watching Saw IV again. My husband has given me his prediction and I disagree completely, mainly because I don't want to have any ideas of the "right ending" before I've seen it, I've a few ideas of my own but nothing to back them up, more how I would like the story to go more than anything...

I'll admit it, if it's a thriller/psychological film, there is nothing worse for me than me figuring it out before I get to the end, when that twist, which is meant to leave you with your jaw on the floor, just has me nodding, confirming what I already knew is beyond disappointing to me. The reason for this is simple, in life, as in film, I take people on face value, the character they portray, or are as in real life, is the one I go with, so if it gets to the stage that I know who the "real bad guy is" before it's revealed, the film has failed me, it has been too obvious, whether intentionally, or at a more subconscious level. Saw III was guilty of this, I didn't have the details worked out, but I didn't have the "Oh my, I never saw that one coming" reaction at the end, because my brain had figured most of it out for me. (Bob, obviously, didn't want to play swing ball then)
Saw IV didn't give me that, mainly because I have issues watching films that are not in chronological order, so at the end of that film, the lights came up, I turned to my hubby and said "I am so confused". The BEST film ending that had me bowled over, literally, was Ripper, fantastic film and still kinda gets me when I think about it...and Saw, the original film, I didn't see that ending coming either. I don't look for the clues that may or may not be there, I let the film take me where it wants to, I just hope, by putting that much faith in it, it doesn't let me down in the end many films do.

I believe there is to be a Saw VI, which will be the last one to tidy up all the open ends, so I'm expecting a fair few big questions to remain unanswered, I'm hoping it's less confusing and a better film in general than the last two have been, but I shall know that tomorrow...

You know, I've come to realise this blog this is kinda fun and it's nice to talk about what I think without that bored look on people's faces when I start ranting, my computer is nice to me like that, lets me babble and doesn't once tell me to shut up...if I get booted offline now, I'm gonna take that personally....ok, I'm still connected lets move on quick..

You ever get that feeling you know something, completely without...well, anything to back it up? I've got that going on right now, it's not the first time and I doubt it'll be the last time, but that's where I am. hmm how much am I willing to share...I'm looking for someone I've not seen in a few years, lost contact with, if you like, and the years mellow you to people's actions and growing up makes you see that things aren't always black and white, they're mainly grey. Don't get me wrong, I still like to see the world in black and white, because that's core to who I am, but I'm aware of the grey areas and once, every so often, I stumble across them and have to have a fight within my head as to where I stand on it...I think I went off on a tangent there again, anyways, I wrote to this person, as Mouse 007 has tracked them down, but no response. This is where my feeling kicks in, it's not that they don't want to contact me, it's because they are...there isn't quite the word I want here, available to my brain right now, they're not scared, nor worried per se, more that they are....well, concerned is the wrong word too...Without details, they did something that I find hard to forgive, and I'm your typical "forgive but never forget", however this was really hard to forgive and I'm not sure I ever will, completely. However, we all make mistakes, I know this just as much, if not more, than other people and I need this person back in my life.
So, I've written again, managed to get a phone number for somewhere I believe they're connected to and, not bombarded them, but I'm not giving up. Someone once told me that I can be quite stubborn at times....when I say one person I really mean most people who know me, so I'm not giving up because I think we can both benefit from getting back in touch and short of turning up on their doorstep (It's rather further than the trip to Birmingham hubby was whining about last night) I'm doing the best I can, although there will come a time when I'm prepared to admit they don't want to get back in touch, that time has not come as yet so we shall see. This brings me nicely onto another topic, when is trying to get in touch with someone become stalking? There must come a time when you cross that line, I think I'm safe at the moment but it's something I shall be monitoring, just in case...

Well, I think that mouse needs to do something other than type a load of ramblings, I do have other things to do, although it may not appear that way!

Until next time,

Mouse x