Friday 31 October 2008

Sleep deprivation and green genies

After complaining yesterday with regards to being so tired, I've managed to get NO sleep at all last night, so I'm at work (Got in an hour and a half early) completely amazed with the outside world I've not seen for three whole days..

To say I'm feeling a little rough wouldn't really cut it, the words I would use to describe how I feel aren't really appropriate for this kind of blog, but I'm sure you can all come up with some by yourselves.

I've make the executive decision that once I've completed month end procedure I shall be going home to go and pass out and dream of green genies...Although, the better idea would be to keep going today so that I can actually sleep tonight...Either way, as soon as post arrives and I've completed month end I'm outta here...

I apologise now for any typos but I have my cool blood like nails on, and they're reather long so I'm tending to type two letters instead of the one that I actually want, plus the fact that my brain is AWOL and I still feel like plop I'm not checking it like I usually do...

Its rather chilly out there today, or so I've been told, my temperature is through the roof, bar my legs, which is realy weird, they're all cold again...I really should keep a blanket in my drawer..

I'm babbling, I'm aware of this but I'm waiting post which doesn't get here until something after 11.30am which is far too late, when all I want to do is curl up somewhere and go sleepies..
Wow, I've just been into the factory and it's freezing in there! I'm sat back in the office with my coat on and scarf over my legs! Trying to stay awake is rather hard these days. I remember the good ol' days when I could do an alnighter, pull off a day of work and still be fine to do it more than four times a week...without battering an eye lid...too much. Got to love any form it may come.

Still awaiting sleepy.


Duck girl did learn something new today, as did the mouse....apparently diarys lie about time differences and New Zealand is more than 12 hours in front of us! See now you've learnt something too! Not to mention the bloke she got out of bed so he could answer the phone...whoops.



Mouse x

Thursday 30 October 2008

Bird flu vs Mouse...

Okay, so it's regular flu, but damn it's knocked me for six. Thats why I've not been updating my blog, I've mainly been sleeping and trying to keep my temperature below 300 degrees (I may be exagerating slightly but you get the idea) My fever broke last night which was the least fun I've had in ages, and I'm feeling...ugh today....but I thought that I would pop on so you all know I didn't up and die...
I have to go into work tomorrow as it's month end, so I hate to think what state I'll be in when i get there, I seriously feel like I've not slept in a week and yet, that's what I've been doing most of the time...weird.

I gotta go out the house tomorrow anyways, it's All Hallow's Eve, and, although we tend not to do the dress up thing here :( (I seriously want SJP's Witch outfit from the film, Hocus Pocus, and am currently in negotiations for a bet for me to wear that when I'm on holiday next year in Glastonbury)..I do have some wicked nails which are black, the tips red and they "drip" in to the main nail like blood, so cool. Mouse has only done Hallowe'en properly once, a few years ago when she went as Morticia Mouse, heh that was fun and people are weird, they all said that the goth looked suited don't get me wrong, nuffin wrong with goth, I like goth...I'm not really into black make-up and black nails, not really my thing, but some of the clothes I've seen are beyond beautiful, so watch this space, I may enter Gothdem in my own sweet time :)

Okies, time for another mug of tea and getting cozy on the settee, hopefully Mouse will be better and be around more shortly :)

Don't do anything I wouldn't..

Mouse x

Monday 27 October 2008


I am, by far, a winter person, mainly because I seem to have my own inbuilt boiler that ensures my body always stays at a toasty when autumn/winter roll around I'm a happy mouse...however, today is COLD and for some unknown reason my boiler has been disconnected today so I am frozen, I can't feel my legs. I think I may be poorly, the occasional sneezes and banging headache I have are just some of the clues I have pointing that way..
It's got to the stage were we have both radiators on and the office door shut, I think that I deserve some sympathy, from someone...somewhere...

I'm still in budget hell, but I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel with them and I hope to complete them today...but, the most pressing thing on my mind is the fact...I can't feel my legs, they're starting to get painful now with how cold they are...I don't think that's a good thing and neither is me sitting at my desk rubbing them frantically, I just don't think its the company image that they're trying to portray...

I'm contemplating taking the day off when we go see WWE in Nottingham and visiting Nottingham Castle, I'm not sure yet, my head hurts and I've found that making decisions while that's hurting is a bad move and leads to regret. However, my extra long, extra knitted scarf has come to the rescue and I now look like those of the older generation, sat on the sea-front with blankets over their knees, you know what? They're really on to something there...

Well, we've had another birth in the family, we have another baby fish, or baby boggle fish, as we like to call them (they're really balloon mollies for those that care) He's a lil cutie and about -- that long, we've given him his own nursery as we do have sharks and other fish which would like to make him their lunch, and that's really not a good thing.
Okies, apparently the computers here are shutting down as they see, I'ma save this and maybe write laters...

Stay safe out there..

Mouse x

Saturday 25 October 2008


Just got back from Sheffield Arena and watching Supercross (motorcross indoors) was fantastic! We were nearer the garage doors this time, so I've only a slight headache and I didn't, this time, have any fear lighting up a ciggie in case I went up in a big bang!
No one, luckily, was injured this year (We've seen some nasty ones over the past few years) and it was just a fun time :)

Okies, I know it's a short post but I'ma gonna chill for a lil and...I've run outta things to say :O it's a miracle, I know.

Stay safe out there..

Mouse x

Friday 24 October 2008

Saw V...

I've finally seen Saw V, and yes, the ending had my jaw on the floor....for ALL the wrong reasons..The thoughts in my head when my jaw hit the floor were ", this is the end, there is no twist" about an anti-climax, so the adverts were correct "You won't believe the ending" I didn't, mainly wasn't exactly a all, it was a straight forward film. It filled in some blanks (I won't go into details for those who wish to see it but have yet to) I'm not, actually, disappointed in the actual film, it was certainly better than IV....oh, well another year until we get to VI, the final chapter...

I'm real exhausted so I'ma not putting much tonight, I'll catch you alls another time..

Take care out there..

Mouse x

Looking through the black/grey/white/green haze type thing

This fantastic title is brough to you by....DUCK GIRL! (She vetoed the whole lady thing and stuck with girl, can't say I blame her...nor that it makes much difference either way, but, just in case you're wondering, Duck Girl is formally known as Duck Lady [AFKADL for short])

I'll apologise now for my state of mind, I'm not doing too well today, getting the snuffles, banging headache, I think Nora the germ is back, which doesn't bode well for being in snotsville while being at the cinema, but we shall see...

Things are pretty quiet on the work front today, still have budgets to do but I'm only here for the morning and there is a management I speak complete chaos decends upon our company, the book man has arrived and after 10 minutes of figuring who owes what, he realises that he has a pound too much, after Bob, finally kicks in to my brain I realise that £4.00 + £3.50 = £7.50 and not the £8.50 I gave him, and yes, I work in accounts, I DID say that my brain was fried this morning! I just told the guy that next time he should come with his accountant and then it wouldn't have been so painful...
I'm gloating a little, everyone else bought cookery books, snowman place mats and the mighty mouse has come away with a book with regards to the first world war (The fact I have no intention of ever reading it is irrelevant) I'm the intellectual amongst the entire office!!! :)

Two hours and twentyfive minutes until I get to leave and I may even have to have a nap before the cinema, to say I'm drained is an understatement, my head hurts so bad that I even had to turn down the coffee today, sticking to tea....tis a painful yet intellectual day in the world of the mouse...

Oh no! There is an emergency at the office, we're out of milk!! No tea!!! Not good!! I may have to go down and see "the man who talks too fast and confuses Duck Girl" I may have to think of a shorter version of that name, I believe they may have a secret stash of milk, or maybe, one better, a cow they can go milk!

Right, I shall be back later, after I've seen Saw V!

Goodbyas out there and no doing anything I wouldn't do!

Until the next time...(probably later on today)

Mouse x

Thursday 23 October 2008

Saw Eve and general ramblings

well, tis the eve of Saw V and I've just finished watching Saw IV again. My husband has given me his prediction and I disagree completely, mainly because I don't want to have any ideas of the "right ending" before I've seen it, I've a few ideas of my own but nothing to back them up, more how I would like the story to go more than anything...

I'll admit it, if it's a thriller/psychological film, there is nothing worse for me than me figuring it out before I get to the end, when that twist, which is meant to leave you with your jaw on the floor, just has me nodding, confirming what I already knew is beyond disappointing to me. The reason for this is simple, in life, as in film, I take people on face value, the character they portray, or are as in real life, is the one I go with, so if it gets to the stage that I know who the "real bad guy is" before it's revealed, the film has failed me, it has been too obvious, whether intentionally, or at a more subconscious level. Saw III was guilty of this, I didn't have the details worked out, but I didn't have the "Oh my, I never saw that one coming" reaction at the end, because my brain had figured most of it out for me. (Bob, obviously, didn't want to play swing ball then)
Saw IV didn't give me that, mainly because I have issues watching films that are not in chronological order, so at the end of that film, the lights came up, I turned to my hubby and said "I am so confused". The BEST film ending that had me bowled over, literally, was Ripper, fantastic film and still kinda gets me when I think about it...and Saw, the original film, I didn't see that ending coming either. I don't look for the clues that may or may not be there, I let the film take me where it wants to, I just hope, by putting that much faith in it, it doesn't let me down in the end many films do.

I believe there is to be a Saw VI, which will be the last one to tidy up all the open ends, so I'm expecting a fair few big questions to remain unanswered, I'm hoping it's less confusing and a better film in general than the last two have been, but I shall know that tomorrow...

You know, I've come to realise this blog this is kinda fun and it's nice to talk about what I think without that bored look on people's faces when I start ranting, my computer is nice to me like that, lets me babble and doesn't once tell me to shut up...if I get booted offline now, I'm gonna take that personally....ok, I'm still connected lets move on quick..

You ever get that feeling you know something, completely without...well, anything to back it up? I've got that going on right now, it's not the first time and I doubt it'll be the last time, but that's where I am. hmm how much am I willing to share...I'm looking for someone I've not seen in a few years, lost contact with, if you like, and the years mellow you to people's actions and growing up makes you see that things aren't always black and white, they're mainly grey. Don't get me wrong, I still like to see the world in black and white, because that's core to who I am, but I'm aware of the grey areas and once, every so often, I stumble across them and have to have a fight within my head as to where I stand on it...I think I went off on a tangent there again, anyways, I wrote to this person, as Mouse 007 has tracked them down, but no response. This is where my feeling kicks in, it's not that they don't want to contact me, it's because they are...there isn't quite the word I want here, available to my brain right now, they're not scared, nor worried per se, more that they are....well, concerned is the wrong word too...Without details, they did something that I find hard to forgive, and I'm your typical "forgive but never forget", however this was really hard to forgive and I'm not sure I ever will, completely. However, we all make mistakes, I know this just as much, if not more, than other people and I need this person back in my life.
So, I've written again, managed to get a phone number for somewhere I believe they're connected to and, not bombarded them, but I'm not giving up. Someone once told me that I can be quite stubborn at times....when I say one person I really mean most people who know me, so I'm not giving up because I think we can both benefit from getting back in touch and short of turning up on their doorstep (It's rather further than the trip to Birmingham hubby was whining about last night) I'm doing the best I can, although there will come a time when I'm prepared to admit they don't want to get back in touch, that time has not come as yet so we shall see. This brings me nicely onto another topic, when is trying to get in touch with someone become stalking? There must come a time when you cross that line, I think I'm safe at the moment but it's something I shall be monitoring, just in case...

Well, I think that mouse needs to do something other than type a load of ramblings, I do have other things to do, although it may not appear that way!

Until next time,

Mouse x

It's a cold day in Mouse land

So, here I am, back at work, my life is fun packed, you really don't have to point that out to me, I already know. A correction on my first blog "Old Skool" where my lovely hubby pointed out that Acountancy wasn't voted the most boring occupation, it was the least sexy. This coming from a man that works in about nerdy!!

So, anyways, I sorted out parking and travel to Nottingham, by my estimation, even if it were rush hour, it would take less than an hour, so if you're ever stuck for directions....NEVER ask my husband. Actually, he could have just been winding me up, I don't know, it's hard to tell sometimes....

I'm going to be in budget hell for most of the day, which means this blog, probably ain't gonna get much written, but you never know, I'm world reknowned for my multi-tasking skills, although when I say world reknowned, I really mean...just that I can multi-task...

I have done a monumental thing, I have booked Saw V tickets for tomorrow afternoon as I've booked the afternoon off work! I'm SO excited about finally seeing it, it had better be good...or...I'll be disappointed....

I've just noticed, I've put a poster on my wall entitled "Sayings we'd like to see on those office inspriation posters", it's one of those email lists you get and I have two of my favourite sayings on there!
"Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed them." - there is only one slight problem with this one, I'm running out of places to hide the bodies...
and my ultimate favourite one:
"Go the extra mile, it makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker"..this is both amusing and true.

You might have noticed that I'm struggling and floundering in writing this blog right now, that would be because I am running on a few hours sleep and I've not had enough coffee yet, although my tummy keeps warning me not too, cuz I feel sick, but hey, I'm a trooper, and coffee IS my friend.

Tis the afternoon and I'm all alone in the mighty accounts office, you might have noticed that I don't use people's names, because for one, that would be unfair, but mainly because I don't wanna hear the whining and bitching that would happen should I put names on here and they find out. So, me and Duck Lady (She doesn't know this yet, and if she doesn't like the name I've given she can vito it) are going to come up with suitable nicknames for the office peoples!
It could be exciting and amusing, well we'll be amused anyways, it doesn't take much around here :)

I can hear the budget's calling my name, so for now, fair blog I must leave you, but I shall return, at some point, I don't know where or when but it'll at least keep all one of you that's reading this thinking...

Take care out there and wrap up warm!!

Mouse x

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Oh Robin Hood, pray may you give me directions?

The tale of finding Nottingham Arena continues. My ever-so-helpful, sarcastic hubby has googled the old fella and, apparently, he believes it'll take us 3 to 4 days to get there, if it's busy as it's on back roads. What my darling husband fails to realise is that he's completely and utterly useless when it comes to directions, journey times...and anything of that nature. Apologies, I was interupted then, by the aforementioned bloke, see we have another adventure coming up in Janaury, we're off to see TNA in Birmingham, I know where this is and how to get there, but he's whining about the distance, plus the fact he wanted me to start a website entitled he's such a delightful gentleman.
...oh, apparently I have to park in the city centre...uh, not so good, does anyone else in blog land know where I can park my beloved car that won't get bullet holes in the side of it? ahh plop...this keeps getting worse, apparently the car park we have to use is the evil one I lost my car in when I had to dump it there and grab a taxi so I could get to a building I was having an exam in Nottingham a while a took me an HOUR to find my damn car!! Ugh, my life sucks and nothing is easy....which makes me wonder WHY I'm actually going in the first place, it's a lot of hard work without much reward...

This will continue, no doubt, as hubby frantically searches sites for a bullet-proof vest. This could end badly..(I think my husband and I are gonna come to blows about this, put a tenner on the mouse to win...I'm still undefeated on Nintendo Wii boxing)

Keep tuned,

Mouse x

Old Skool Introduction

You might well wonder at the title, because as you read this blog you'll find that it has nothing to do with "old Skool", I merely put that there because it causes my hubby to twitch, he REALLY doesn't like I thought it would be a rather uh, productive way of introducing everyone to the world of a green mouse.
I don't know what you were expecting when you "stumbled" on to this blog, but I'll bet you don't get anything near exciting out of this. I thought that I should be up front about the whole thing and therefore negaite any further action you may deem demanding the time back from me it took you to read this in the first place...I'll tell you now, for free, it ain't happening :)
Anyways, after saying all that, I don't know what to write about, I'm currently at work (shhhh don't tell the boss)
I'll confess it now, my career, as my husband gleefully informed me, came top of the listener's vote for Talk sport radio, for being the most boring one ever...Accountancy. I love it, Mary Poppins was right, when "my heart would overflow with joy of totalling up a balance book."
I guess I should tell you a lil more about myself, you've discovered so far that a) I like to wind my husband up and b) I work and love, I'm not surprised now, that the little voice in my head left through sheer boredom...but I still have it's twin brother Bob, whom, it seems, likes the fact my brain doesn't usually bother me unless it wants to play swing ball.

Anyways, on to what I'm up to for the week. It's a week full of work, no college for two weeks, so I'm here Monday to Friday, and like Dolly Parton sings "working 9 til 5"
On Friday, I'm hoping we get around to seeing Saw 5, I've been waiting for it for a year now, which in film land, isn't that long, but still I am hoping it answers a few questions, although I'll bet it leaves some wide open for Saw 6...For those of you familiar with the Saw franchise, I am pleased to say I now fully understand Saw IV, it only took me a few thousand times of watching it on DVD and then listening to the commentry while my hubby tried to explain it...even the pie chart he used didn't help...Having said all that, I want to watch it again before we watch Saw V and then I can, hopefully, follow Saw V and then await Saw VI...
After a trip to the cinema on Friday, Saturday, we will be off to good ole Sheffield Arena (HallamFM Arena since it sold out) to watch Motorcross...which is great fun, except the obvious flaw that it's done INSIDE the arena with just a back door open, needless to say we both come away smelling like petrol heads and with a headache that makes you feel you've drank waayyyy too much. I know this is a real long shot, but we've been going for the last few years and two years ago, I was sat next to this guy, ohhh he was...lovely, big build, longish dark hair, black leather jacket, and we were talking alot, about the bikes...and if only my hubby wasn't there...and I wasn't married all happily like....ya know...well...uhh I don't know where I'm going with this other than I'd like to sit next to him again, he was a serious babe...
Ahem, I think we should move on quickly, because, no doubt, I'ma gonna be in trouble for that...
That's a point, we're off to Nottingham Arena in November to watch WWE SmackDown...I need to find out where Nottingham Arena is (I'm guessing Nottingham, but that's as far as I've got so far) I'm sure my trusty TomTom will be able (With the aid of Mr T's voice who won't take ANY of my jibber jabber and threatens to jump outta of my tomtom when I so much as look down another road that isn't on his route) to get me there safely...

I've got a banging headache today, it's really irritiating me, it's made even worse by the Office Princess who, in Mr T's own words, won't "stop all the jibber jabber", she's in a seperate office from me, down the hall, through reception and then on to her end office, but blooming heck, that girl is LOUD when she wants to be, I went and shut her office door, but the hint doesn't appear to be taken, tis a hard life, sometimes, being the Green Mouse...

I'm currently completely sleep deprivated, which makes me a lot more whappy than normal. Coffee is my friend, it, just about, gets me through the day...It's because of my beloved poochy, named Midnight Shadow, only called that when he's really naughty and I'm ranting at him, he's usually known as Mid or Midi...or Scooby Doo. I've had Mid since he was 10 weeks old and I had him at a point in my life when I didn't really have anyone else...He's got a bad skin condition, and although he's happy enough in himself, he's losing his fur, which isn't re-growing, but to me, he'll always be the most beautiful dog in the world. Recently, because of his treatment of steroids over the past 4 or 5 years, they're catching him up and starting to eat away at his muscles meaning he can no longer get upstairs and sleep in our bedroom, as he has since he was a pup. It's so sad to see him getting older and with him being downstairs now, I'm getting up earlier to check on him and going to bed later so I can just be with him...
...speaking of coffee, I think I need to go get some more... :)

Well, I'ma out of here for now Mouse and her coffee need some private time, I shall be back, at some point, if I remember the login or even the fact I have a blog...

Take care out there...

Mousey x