Wednesday 27 May 2009


FINALLY! Manchester United LOST and in the European Cup Final....AND Mouse won the bet with Mr Man U head!!! *does the mousey dance*

So, here in lies the revenge on Mr Man U head, after listening to him gloating, goading and generally pulling down my team, my plan is as follows:

I shall have a Barcelona FC badge on the side of my desk which you see when you walk in the office. I shall have YouTube set to play "Barcelona" for when he shows up AND I will oh so gracefully accept the £5 off him :D payback is a b*tch, he should know this by now...if he doesn't, he's about to receive a crash course.

Right, I'm off to relax for a little, but my foot hurts (I whacked the top of my foot on the corner of the bottom draw of my desk today, instant bruise and a nice big lump rme).

Take care out there and remember, above all else, Manchester United are L O S E R S :)

Mouse out x

Wednesday 20 May 2009

A trip across the border..

Mouse and hubby went to Wales for the night last night. Needed to get away before I imploded.

Bar the rain and coldness and virus I managed to pick up, it was a fun trip. We've only just got back so I'm going to chill and watch the end of The Apprentice...

Here is a lil picture of the mouse and an anchor, can't get much more random than that...

Saturday 16 May 2009

Angels and Demons...

Well, I got my exam results back yesterday and I got one question wrong of which I had to answer an additional question for...I did that okay, so that's that done. I now have revision time until the big bad exam on 16th June :( I'm seriously not looking forward to that one...

We went to see Angels and Demons yesterday evening, SO SO cool! I love those films (Forgetting the fact that the historical context is slightly best) I just think they're really good. AND they changed the ending of the book, which actually made the film better because the way it ended in the book was ...slightly unbelievable, so it was all good. The only issue I had was at the cinema they put the volume on "Burn out your ears"...I'm just glad I wasn't watching a lot of shooting or anything because I think my ears would have popped.

I think I have another cold which can't be a good thing, snuffles and sneezes :(
I'ma really tired too, thanks to another dream that woke me up last night rme I'ma getting rather fed up of them now...

Anyways, time to wake da hubby and to go and get some dindins and I think we need to go grocery shopping as well..

Catch you on the flip side..

Mouse x

Wednesday 13 May 2009

A night of Vincent Price

That man was awesome, I love watching his films and I shall be having a night of Mr Price this week!

I've not got much to talk about today, still in stressville, one-nil down on the bet but a long way to go yet, and my sleeping is getting worse, I just CAN'T get to sleep at night and it's starting to to drive me completely insane.

I just had one of the most bizarre phone calls...again from the blood people, are they multiplying and just...handing out my phone number and details so they can ring up randomally to apologise?! It's actually getting embarrasing with the amount of "sorries" I've recieved. I realise I have the blood type who can give to everyone...but can only receive my own back (Clearly last in the queue on that one then) but this is getting a little outta control. Apparently this was the nurse who actually gets to sort out the mess that Mr Needle Head made of my arm...they're having a meeting on Friday to create an "action plan" for his crapness to get...better...

I've said that I'll still go give blood, just not there anymore! I'll drive a lil further and hope I don't ever see him again, because I think I'd....not like that too much. They just need to chill a lil and let up on the apologising, the other staff were lovely as usual :)

Anyhoo, it's nearly time for The Apprentice and Sir Alan needs to fire Lorraine! Seriously.

Mouse out x

Thursday 7 May 2009

The bet....the exam....the play-off...and my continuing downhill spiral...

The Bet:

I made a bet with Mr Man U head's as follows:

In order that HE wins the bet, Manchester United MUST win the derby (Man u vs Man city) on Saturday, the Premiership...AND the Champion's League Cup!
In order that mouse wins, he just has to lose one of those matches...a whole £5 is up for grabs!

The Exam:

Hell in paper form, I'ma take it but I am going to crash and burn, I don't know enough for this one...and my head isn't here, it's safetly tucked away in it's own lil world.

The Play-off:

Leg one, away at Preston....COME ON SHEFFIELD UNITED!!!

The Continuing Down hill spiral:

Still happening. Mouse not very happy right now, kinda hurting, worried, stressed, tired and missing a few peeps...

Thus ends today's lesson in the land of the Green Mouse...

Take care out there...and please, don't try and understand me, just love me.

Mouse x

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Not much of a fun day

I realise this is rather...random, but I had this conversation today with our managing director..

MD "What's the matter with you today?"
Mouse "Nothing"
MD "Bullsh*t"
Mouse "You're reading things that aren't there."
MD "No, I'm not. You're not your usual happy, bubbly, slightly forceful character...there is something not quite right but I can't put my finger on it."
*Mouse shakes her head* The subject is changed.

So, apparently I'm not that good at hiding things and I thought that I did a really good job that, knowing him, he'll ask duck girl and then ask me next opportunity.

I refuse to talk about the "sporting weekend" cuz it was complete, heart-breaking disaster.

I have an exam on Friday of which I'm seriously thinking of skipping because I think I'll just crash and burn this one. My head isn't here, I'm in my own world again, safer there.

I lost someone, someone that I've known for ten years whom I thought of as my sister, but it turns out not everything is as it seems.

I'ma mouse dealing so you'll just have to come along for the ride...again.

Mouse x

Saturday 2 May 2009

Welcome to the long sporting weekend...

Well, it's Saturday and we have the Hatton vs Pacquiao boxing match at some unGodly hour in the morning...around 3am is the predicted starting time, but knowing how these things work I think we're looking more at 4am rme, that should be interesting to try and stay up for...
I, obviously, want Ricky to win, cuz he's just a genius! But, it is a fight in America so, if he doesn't knock him out, there is no way that he'll win. The bias of boxing referees is beyond even the scope of the Beijing Olympics...and that's saying something...

Then tomorrow, we have our final Championship match that we MUST win and if Birmingham don't win...then we'll get automatic promotion!! If not, we have to go through playoffs and ANYTHING can happen there. I'ma not looking forward to it but it's something I must go through, the joys of being a supporter of a team that can't win a match when their lives depend on it...or just wait until the last possible moment to score...sheesh.

I think I'll have Monday to try and grieve...or celebrate, I don't know....don't try and understand me, just love me!

Right, I'm off to bug someone, anyone who happens to be around :)

Take care out there...and I'll try and keep my blood pressure down...a lil..

Mouse x