Sunday 9 November 2008

Coffee, Chocolate and animals

Well, the weekend, so far, hasn't been great. After being woke up at rediculous o clock yesterday, by our next door neighbour, who decided it was the best time to use a circular saw which kinda rattled our entire house, I was slightly sleepy the whole day. We popped to Tesco to get some bits and bobs (mainly bits cuz bob was still AWOL) , then Jamie had a craving for some I took him to a shop he's not been to in years, only to find out that it shuts at 2pm...and we got there at 2.10pm and was...clearly shut. We went to the pet shop to go get some more bones for the dog and some silk worms for the geckos....They've decided to change the layout of the shop and as soon as you walk in, you're met with display for your dog, needless to say, I swallowed hard, wiped my eyes and carried on, quickly, into the shop.

Watching X-Factor last night was my worst mistake, being moved by music is one thing, having an evening of Mariah Carey songs is another, and many times the words hit home and my flood gates opened, really not much fun.

We've got the Nottingham trip to see WWE on Wednesday, timing is horiffic and I'm in two minds whether to go at all to be honest, have to see how things go this week and take it a day at a time. It's just a horrid time.

Anyways, congratulations to Mr Joe Calzaghi, who won his final boxing match last night, retiring while on the top, that's the way to go...although I'll miss having him around (I'll admit it, I fell asleep before it started, 3am was too much after the unplanned early morning wake up). We still have Mr Hatton, who is fighting the end of this hopefully, another success.

Right, I'ma out of here, gonna wake up Mr Grumpy so we can go get some coffee and chocolate and probably just chill for the day, I managed to do my homework, well the financial side, just the whole computering side to do, oh joy.

Take care out there,

Mouse x