Wednesday 26 November 2008

Ahh the joys of politics

Look at this, it's not even Thursday and I've gone all political. Mainly because of Mr Brown and his "bright idea" to cut VAT down by 2.5% to get people spending, coming into effect on Monday. Stupid, just stupid, the shops won't pass on the decrease and it wouldn't encourage me to spend more anyways plus it'll cost us in the long run. Infact, it's costing me already, I have month end, year end on Friday and now I have to update the system to take the new VAT rate...(Still working on how to actually do that) and because of all this I'm missing college and an exam, which I have to sit the following week. So, yes, I've lost out already as I've also got to catch up any work I miss this week too! (It's a good job that I was ahead with my work in the first place, but that's not the point!)
To top it all off we have auditors coming in too, which is beyond unfun, it's not a very good time really. I've got two more days to have holidays on, I can't have Fridays because I'm at college (usually) I can't have Christmas Eve off because that's our month end...I don't know when I'm going to take them, plus my boss always starts twitching whenever I even mention the "H" word...
Oh, and it just started raining, oh joy.

We've got footy on tonight, some European rubbish which means my lil team won't be playing (To be fair we played yesterday...and I don't want to talk about it) but my hubby's will, so that should be something to watch I guess...
I've sorted out hubby's Christmas presents (I'm not telling you what they are...because he reads this too) and they're wrapped, but I'm still awaiting a list of what everyone else wants! Although, I'm not looking forward to Christmas too much this year, I miss my lil doodle a lot :(

I've got a lil Scooby doo on my desk at work now, as a reminder to my baby, and also a big picture of him on my wall. We should be getting his ashes back this week sometime, I hope so, I've never been away from him for this long in his entire life.

Well enough rambling for one day I guess, just waiting for my boss to get back with some milk so we can have a nice hot say this office is freezing.

Taketh Careth and be good (I don't want to know what you're good at)

Mouse x