Monday 17 November 2008

Another day...

Well, things aren't as bad today, but that may be from getting absolutely NO sleep last night and having a day at work. The amount of coffee I have had is rather scary...and it's only 4pm.

We've got a new washing machine coming tomorrow, so we're trying to get the old one out, which isn't as easy as it seems as it's full of water, but I'm sure hubby can sort...and if not, I'll sort it out when I get home :)

Salem is doing a little better, he likes his new bed and we got one of Mid's teddy's out, Mutt, for him to sleep with, he seems to like that, but he's still following me to the back door, it's just so sad :(

Well, I'ma gonna go and be whappy now on my coffee and sleep deprivation, and hopefully the washing machine should turn up tomorrow and all be well...

Take care out there,

Mouse x