Saturday 29 November 2008

Relaxing must be joking!

I decided that we should get away for a night, travel straight after work on Friday and stay overnight at Blackpool and then come home later on Saturday...the hotel I booked, dear Lord, NEVER again will I ever go there..
The entire place smelt of cabbage, which was beyond gross, the bedroom was at least clean but only had a 3/4 double bed...and seens as we kick each other in our king size bed at home, wasn't going to work. Luckily the room offered a single bed as well, which I used. The floor sloped, so when I was in bed I was literally rolled to one side, which resulted in my falling on the floor once! I could feel every spring in that bed, the most horiffic bed I've EVER been in. We were given a sheet and cover, and that was it. The heating went off at midnight and me, yes the mouse with her own internal boiler, laid shivering all night, trying to wrap herself in towels to keep warm. Why didn't we call reception to complain I hear you call, mainly because there was no phone in the room (which is bizarre) and it takes an entire 10 minutes to walk the maze of corridors to get to our room. To be honest, if there was a fire, we would be dead. The room was a corner one, offering two windows of two different streets...both with several different nightclubs/bars and through glass which was about as thick as a human hair we heard every single word spoken.
We were booked in for breakfast, not something I usually eat, but hey I'll give it a go...of which I did, well we made it to the "restaurant" which smelt and looked worse than anything I've ever seen, so we kinda looked at each other and walked back to the room, sorry I mean treked back to the room to just get out of that place.
When going for checkout, I handed my key in...and was told.."goodbye" right then...did customer service also get swallowed within the credit crunch?

We had our day at Blackpool, which was cold and foggy but it was a day out none the less. We did the SeaLife Centre, oh how I love sharks, they were beautiful, I could have sat and watched them all day long.
I would say the sea was beautiful too, only...I couldn't see it because of the fog, so ya know, I assume it was beautiful.

Just before we were leaving, we were going to cross the road and a german shepherd came running straight at me...oh, my heart broke. I miss you so much Midi, I really do.

Anyways, I still feel pappy so I'm going to chill (Not literally tonight!!) and watch Frost with hubby and my new King Louie my hubby bought me :)

Take care out there and watch out for evil hotels!

Mouse x

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Ahh the joys of politics

Look at this, it's not even Thursday and I've gone all political. Mainly because of Mr Brown and his "bright idea" to cut VAT down by 2.5% to get people spending, coming into effect on Monday. Stupid, just stupid, the shops won't pass on the decrease and it wouldn't encourage me to spend more anyways plus it'll cost us in the long run. Infact, it's costing me already, I have month end, year end on Friday and now I have to update the system to take the new VAT rate...(Still working on how to actually do that) and because of all this I'm missing college and an exam, which I have to sit the following week. So, yes, I've lost out already as I've also got to catch up any work I miss this week too! (It's a good job that I was ahead with my work in the first place, but that's not the point!)
To top it all off we have auditors coming in too, which is beyond unfun, it's not a very good time really. I've got two more days to have holidays on, I can't have Fridays because I'm at college (usually) I can't have Christmas Eve off because that's our month end...I don't know when I'm going to take them, plus my boss always starts twitching whenever I even mention the "H" word...
Oh, and it just started raining, oh joy.

We've got footy on tonight, some European rubbish which means my lil team won't be playing (To be fair we played yesterday...and I don't want to talk about it) but my hubby's will, so that should be something to watch I guess...
I've sorted out hubby's Christmas presents (I'm not telling you what they are...because he reads this too) and they're wrapped, but I'm still awaiting a list of what everyone else wants! Although, I'm not looking forward to Christmas too much this year, I miss my lil doodle a lot :(

I've got a lil Scooby doo on my desk at work now, as a reminder to my baby, and also a big picture of him on my wall. We should be getting his ashes back this week sometime, I hope so, I've never been away from him for this long in his entire life.

Well enough rambling for one day I guess, just waiting for my boss to get back with some milk so we can have a nice hot say this office is freezing.

Taketh Careth and be good (I don't want to know what you're good at)

Mouse x

Sunday 23 November 2008

Mouse is just waiting for hubby to get ready and then we can go out, need to get a birthday present and some more wax worms for Freddy and Stumpy. Still got the snuffles but my head is a little clearer today. Got a banging headache though...and miss my lil poochy a lot :(

Well anyways, I should probably go check to see how hubby is getting on or we're never gonna get out of here at this rate.

Until the next time,

Mouse x

Saturday 22 November 2008

Tough weekend this one, really missing Midi a lot. It's really no fun. We're awaiting his ashes to be returned, cuz he should be with his Mummy and he's never been away from me for this long and boy does it hurt.

I'm missing a few peeps too, they're not about when I need them, ya know you would have thought that I would have figured out that those aren't really friends, they're never there when I need them, which is the basis of friendship. Something to think about, at some point, I guess.

Take care out there

Mouse x

Friday 21 November 2008

I miss you Mid

Monday 17 November 2008

Another day...

Well, things aren't as bad today, but that may be from getting absolutely NO sleep last night and having a day at work. The amount of coffee I have had is rather scary...and it's only 4pm.

We've got a new washing machine coming tomorrow, so we're trying to get the old one out, which isn't as easy as it seems as it's full of water, but I'm sure hubby can sort...and if not, I'll sort it out when I get home :)

Salem is doing a little better, he likes his new bed and we got one of Mid's teddy's out, Mutt, for him to sleep with, he seems to like that, but he's still following me to the back door, it's just so sad :(

Well, I'ma gonna go and be whappy now on my coffee and sleep deprivation, and hopefully the washing machine should turn up tomorrow and all be well...

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Saturday 15 November 2008

I thought that I would drop a note, just to say things are really hard, I miss my lil boy like mad. I'm not the only one, Salem is pining for him and it's just heartbreaking. He keeps going to the back door, thinking we're gonna let Mid in...or just meowing while sniffing around where Midi slept. I don't know what to do with him, I've tried to explain to him that Midi was too poorly to come back home, but he's a cat, he doesn't understand.

I think we're in for the long haul on this one, and I wouldn't wish this on anyone, ever.

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Midnight Shadow Cutts

19th December 2000 - 12th November 2008
Mummy loves you

Sunday 9 November 2008

Coffee, Chocolate and animals

Well, the weekend, so far, hasn't been great. After being woke up at rediculous o clock yesterday, by our next door neighbour, who decided it was the best time to use a circular saw which kinda rattled our entire house, I was slightly sleepy the whole day. We popped to Tesco to get some bits and bobs (mainly bits cuz bob was still AWOL) , then Jamie had a craving for some I took him to a shop he's not been to in years, only to find out that it shuts at 2pm...and we got there at 2.10pm and was...clearly shut. We went to the pet shop to go get some more bones for the dog and some silk worms for the geckos....They've decided to change the layout of the shop and as soon as you walk in, you're met with display for your dog, needless to say, I swallowed hard, wiped my eyes and carried on, quickly, into the shop.

Watching X-Factor last night was my worst mistake, being moved by music is one thing, having an evening of Mariah Carey songs is another, and many times the words hit home and my flood gates opened, really not much fun.

We've got the Nottingham trip to see WWE on Wednesday, timing is horiffic and I'm in two minds whether to go at all to be honest, have to see how things go this week and take it a day at a time. It's just a horrid time.

Anyways, congratulations to Mr Joe Calzaghi, who won his final boxing match last night, retiring while on the top, that's the way to go...although I'll miss having him around (I'll admit it, I fell asleep before it started, 3am was too much after the unplanned early morning wake up). We still have Mr Hatton, who is fighting the end of this hopefully, another success.

Right, I'ma out of here, gonna wake up Mr Grumpy so we can go get some coffee and chocolate and probably just chill for the day, I managed to do my homework, well the financial side, just the whole computering side to do, oh joy.

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Friday 7 November 2008

A quiet weekend of homework and poochy

Well, after a hard day at college (My brain went AWOL sometime last night and hasn't been seen since) and some shopping and coffee later, I'm all cozy on the settee with my poochy on his bed and my hubby doing something on his computer...

This weekend I have two intentions: get my homework done and spend a load of time with poochy...because he's really kinda struggling now...we're planning on taking him to the vets next week to see what she says and decide from there. This is horrid and I don't ever wanna go through this again, hurts far too much.

Anyways, have a good weekend out there, and be whatever you're good at...

Mouse x

Thursday 6 November 2008

America, Presidents and madness

So, America, has a new president....eight long years with the....actually, I don't think there has been a word invented, as yet, to quite cover what Bush was. Now, the problem I have is how this is being reported...I don't care if anyone in power is black, white, pink, green, yellow, blue or even grey, so long as they do a good job, Surely, that's all that should matter? When Tony Blair had his landslide victory, no one stated it was "Another white man as prime minister" I don't care what colour he was, so long as he did a good job, obviously he didn't but that's not the point. Skin colour should be something that doesn't come into the mind. Its the person and how they act/what they say etc. But I guess there is still a lot of racism around, it just irks me because I wanna have an opinion on someone that's developed from their character, nothing else, because....lets be honest, nothing else really matters.

Sorry, it's Thursday night and we watch Question Time and This Week, so I'm in a political mode, plus I'm trying to take my mind off the poochy...he's not doing so well and it's hurting...a lot. But, we have a cunning plan and that's to spend the whole weekend with him, spoiling him and trying to put a smile on his face, after's in the lap of the Gods...

I have college tomorrow, after a fortnight break, I need to check and fill my bag as, for the day I am, as my hubby lovingly calls me a "bloody student". It is like going back many years, and although I enjoy the course, it's kinda hard to keep kicking the lil kids outta the way when I'm trying to get to class...

So, I need to go spend some more time with the poochy and sort my studenty things out..

Take care out there..


Wednesday 5 November 2008

Another Doctor...another diagnosis...

Okies, apparently my appendix isn't the bad guy here, which is both a relief and, well what's actually wrong isn't so much fun (I won't go into details) but I won't die from it, which is always something you're looking for if you do have something wrong with you.

I'll tell you one thing though, the amount of sympathy and looking after I was getting from hubby...has disappeared, it's amazing what stamping "non-life threatening" on something will do for you :( Ah well, things are back to normal.

Right, I'ma gonna go chill because I've had enough for one day.

Take care all

Mouse x

Tuesday 4 November 2008

...Still here...

Just thought that I would drop a line to let you know that I've not let the appendix win, yet. Still in pain, all very strange and I'm at the point where I would like it to either go away or come out properly so I can get it sorted. It's VERY irritating and not much fun.
Work has been beyond hectic and I only just managed to find some of my desk before I left today, so another hectic day coming up...

Anyways, I'm real sleepy so I'ma gonna go chill and watch my hubby's team, Liverpool, try and come back from being 1-0 down...heh

Take care out there, until the next time...

I'm the mouse and you're not.

Monday 3 November 2008

Owies and hospitals

Well, mousey's Woke up this morning with a the right side of my tummy, made me throw up...and so a trip to the doctors was in order...and apparenly, my appendix doesn't like me too much. I have a very poorly appendix and I have to ensure the pain gets no worse, because if it does mousey has to have her first ever operation which, well, ain't happening if I have anything to do with it.

So hubby and Mousey having a few arguments as to how much I'm supposed to be resting, but just to let you all know, if I disappear for a while I will have lost a battle with my appendix and I will be in hospital :(

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Sunday 2 November 2008

Sad Mouse

I don't think I'ma gotta write much today, not really in the mood. Midi, my poochy, well...he's not doing well...and it's the most horrible thing to see ever, my heart is breaking and there is nothing I can do....

Love you midnight, you're my lil baby always.

Take care,

Mouse x

Saturday 1 November 2008


Well, I did a very lazy thing today, I ordered the grocery shopping online to be delivered to the house. Now before you all say I'ma lazy mouse, let me explain... My darling hubby doesn't drive, he just does the biker thing, so for the past 8 ish years, I've been doing the shopping without a break (Even when I had mumps, I had to shuffle around the supermarket like an over-grown, food collected in it's cheeks, hamster) so, after having flu, waiting at work to do good ol' month end I decided to be well....bloody lazy..

But, it's the first time I've ever done any online grocery and I'll admit it, I made one or two errors. For example, I buy multi-bag crisps, so there are lots of different variety, what I didn't notice was that I didn't order those but ordered individual packets of crisps...whoops. I excelled myself on the potatoes though and managed to order four big bags full, so...that's a lot of potatoes really...all in all, it wasn't so bad and I didn't forget anything major, although I'll probably never do it again and I'll chalk this one down to experience.

Ya know, it's quite a horrid feeling when your head feels like you have it in a vice and someone keeps tightening it...meanie, Bob ain't happy.

I keep checking deliveries for my Wii Fit and skiing, SO coola, can't wait for it to arrive at the shop so I can go pick it up, may be next week now though, I don't know, the mystery that is the post, ya just never know when it's gonna show and more importantly, when they're gonna let you know that it's arrived...

Ya know, this happened a few weeks ago, we were on holiday and went to Glastonbury for the day and I decided to get my ear pierced we find a tattooist who does the old stab stab and I got in and this lovely lady, who said she didn't believe in guns when peiricing but prefered the good ol' needle,...asked would I prefer a stud or a hoop? I went for hoop, after bad experiences with hair getting wrapped around the stud, anyways, we go through to one of the cubicles, I gets a seat on a nice medical bed and have a backwards view of what she's about to do it me via a mirror mounted on the opposite wall. She gets the box of hoops out, looks at them, then my ear and puts them away muttering "I think you'll need a bigger one"...I had but one quick through across my mind which was something in the region of "Did she just call my ears fat?" anyways, I gets a lovely hoop which is green, of course, so she sorts out the piercing, puts the hoop in and gets a peice of paper towel....but then sits and looks at me as though I'd just grown another head..."Are you sure you're human? You're not bleeding" hey, what can I say, my body is hardcore too and avoids bleeding unless going for a lil attention...

Anyways, after she makes me sit there for a few more minutes to make sure my blood wasn't playing some form of peeky boo with her, we gets on our way. We go to the best cafe EVER invented EVER and have a lovely latte out in the warmish sun. It's at this point my hubby looks and admires my beautiful, blood-free piercing...and then it happens.."I wouldn't mind getting my lobe pierced again, Let's have a look at where your three are in your lobe" slight pause..."Whoa, you've got HUGE lobes!! You have three peircings in your lobe! My third one will have to go into cartiledge." It was around this point that the woman's words came back to me and I realise, I shall be ever thought of as Dumbo, it's amazing how 10 minutes of your life can change the way you look at yourself, no longer mouse, I'm now the bloody elephant!!!

Ahem, the reason why I mention this is because I was covering my ears ealier due to another unprovoked attack about me having big ears! Now, if you ask him, he'll say that "I wasn't saying your ears are big, more that mine are small"...uh huh, now remember I'm of the female variety and have the right to take anything you say and twist how ever I deem fit, welcome to the world of the mouse.

Okies, I have a serious pile of homework that needs addressing, so, as always, take care of yourselves and I shall be some point, oh! and in honour of it being All Hallow's Eve last night, check me out as Morticia Mouse :)


Mouse x