Wednesday 29 April 2009

Fed up...

I'm SO fed up today, why do people call me a friend and then treat me like a door mat? Then, if I get angry or anything it's apparently my fault?

I'll be somewhat honest, I've got a lot of issues at the moment, some bigger than others and I just need someone I trust to listen to me...give me some advice, even a kick up the backside if required. I don't want to go off the rails anymore but sometimes I don't see another option.

Either be my friend or don't, don't play games with me, you will not win, I'm stronger than that. Be there for me or don't, don't play in the grey area.

This is your time to decide.


Thursday 23 April 2009

Is it the weekend yet?

It's only Thursday and already I want to just....drop dead or something..

Got woken up early this morning cuz my arm was just all pins and needles rme

Anyways, after speaking to the Queen Vampire (Or Dr Blood...or something like that.) from the blood service, she's put in an official complaint about Mr Needle Head which can only be a good thing. To be honest I'd just like another keyring, that'll do me.

I did have one thing good happen today, after leaving my studying for two weeks over the Easter break I left it until today to finish...well the whole load of work I left. I'd already done it! Damn, I'm good :D

I plan on chilling tonight and maybe watching a film or two, I know it's politics night but it's all about the budget and I just don't want to go there anymore, it's gonna cost me more to live. No surprise...

Right, I'ma outta here to go do...something...


Mouse x

Monday 20 April 2009

Mean Vampires...

So Mouse went to give blood again, straight after work. I HATE needles...(although tattoos and piercings are fine...must be a mouse thing) I always tell the person who is jabbing me...that I'm fine...once the needle is in....
I got this guy whose bed side manor....well I liken it to Jason Vorhee's sympathy for stranded teenagers...He actually jabbed me with NO warning, retardo that he was.
He kept fiddling with the needle, kept coming back to me to turn the needle, no warning, nothing. He was mean for no reason. He didn't tell me what was going on, I think, in the end, he thought that I was bleeding too slowly....cuz 12 minutes is too slow?! Apparently the last twist of the tube/needle made it work so perhaps it was his lack of technical ability as opposed to me not moving my hand enough.
Luckily, when I finished, I had a lovely nurse look after me and not needle head...

Anyways, I'ma gonna go watch my beloved Sheffield United hopefully win tonight because we NEED to or I think automatic promotion is out of the window seens as Birmingham won on Saturday :(

Watch this space, and watch out for Mr Needle head.

Mouse x

Saturday 18 April 2009


I know my team, blades, aren't playing until Monday....but it's Saturday so it's football day! :) We're currently watching SoccerAM...and they have one of my all time favourite players/characters EVER on...Gazza.
I'm glad he got his addictions under control, kudos to him....but he's not the same person he once was and I wonder how much that took out of him. It's really sad to watch him now, heart breaking to be honest. :(

Well, I'm off to settle down with my coffee and watch the rest of SoccerAM, apparently Skills Skool is from the town I live in...I didn't know anyone had footy skills around here, except for the actual football team...of course...

Take care out there..

Mouse x

Thursday 16 April 2009

Another day another tonne of coffee

Okies, so the boiler at work broke so mouse has been frozen the past week until I realised we had a spare heater at home....and they found a few other electric ones at work, so at least I'm not sat at my desk shivering anymore, that can only be a good thing :)

My old boss is off for the day tomorrow and as I have no college I'ma at work with da new boss. Should be interesting. He seems to think more like I do, so you never know I may not have to find a new job after all! He's taking a great interest in my studying which is never good, I'ma take some work in tomorrow anyways as I've still not started on my homework...and I have another assessment on 8th May :( I can't show him my portfolio though cuz that's still at college for the EV to view and assess....eek!

It's also Duck girls bday tomorrow, I got her the BESTEST present of which I can't type up here cuz she may read before she opens and I wanna see her face when she does, I hope she likes it!
It was one of my neices' birthday today too, we went up to visit and then on Saturday I gots my Great Nephew's first birthday...that's a lot of birthdays in a row!

Actually, we'll be back up there on Sunday too cuz I've a lounge FULL of furniture for my eldest neice's house, and although Salem loves the fact that his bed is on top of the's gotta go at some point...(Gonna make hubby do that cuz then sales can hate him instead of me heh)

Right, I gotta get some caffiene or something....cuz I'ma starting to fade a lil..

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Sunday 12 April 2009

The Zoo!

Mouse and hubby went to the zoo today! Twycross to be precise and it was very very fun! Although very busy, but still an enjoyable day :)

However, the Dwarf Crocodile appeared to have gone that wasn't a good thing cuz I love my crocs and gators and not one to see. :(

There is a random picture of the mouse and a giraffe, see if you can guess which is which :)

Okies, I'ma out of here, watching Saw 5 with commentary...and talking with a dear friend.

Take care out there,

Mouse x

Friday 10 April 2009

The life of a green mousey...ugh

Why is it, whenever I feel like I've got somewhere, that I'm happy and I think I have a grasp of everything...does something happen to blow that to hell? I just...give up. I'm fed up of being hurt, no matter what it is, I'm just sick of having to sort everything out because it happens all the time, and has done for the past...oh 30 years. You woulda thought that people would actually give me a break at some point? But apparently, that's not on anyone's agenda and I'm just...sick to death of it.
I currently stand before you after being rejected by my own family. I know it's been a long time since I spoke to them and such so I don't think it hurts as much as it probably should, but I'm just left...with nothing. I lost Midi, he was my baby and so now there is me, hubby and his family....but that's not the same as having my own family...I don't miss them as people I just miss having my own people to fall back on. I get "friends" that turn out to be as bad as my family was, then people wonder why I have low self-esteem when the common factor between all these things is me...what am I supposed to think?
I'm sick of being walked over and then attacked because I point out the fact, how is that fair? I guess they all have the same thoughts..."oh, it's only mouse...doesn't matter how we treat her"...
Well guess what? It DOES matter how you treat me because I freaking bite. I've never been known for being shy and retiring, and it's a good job I'm not or I wouldn't be where I am today if I were, not that that is saying a great deal when it comes to my relationships with friends...apparently. There are exceptions to this rule and those people know who they are and I thank them for being true friends.
You wanna not tell me important stuff in your life and then still claim to be my friend? Good luck to you buddy cuz my idea of friends isn't what yours clearly is.
Also, you want to feed me the same lines for the past 10 years and wonder why I don't believe you? Wow, I know I have my gullible moments but I'm not completely brain dead.

With me, you get treated how you treat me, so I DON'T apologise for any of my actions if I've been hurt, cuz guess what? YOU had it coming.

This is the Mouse, you gotta problem with that, then phone someone who gives a damn.

Wednesday 8 April 2009


Okay, so I'm a lil whappy. Apparently living the life of stress and coffee is an...interesting one in the Green World of Mousey...

Days are just passing, my memory is shot, work is really busy so all my efforts are on there and I have NO idea where I keep getting the energy from to keep going. I got to three o'clock today and I just hit the wall, my tiredness just hit me, that wasn't fun...

I have a semi-new boss, I say semi because he only started yesterday. He got to meet the mouse today though muhahaha, I saw my old boss kinda smiling when I was laying my territory down, in a subtle but yet at the same time, blatant way. I think it worked :)

One of the reps rang up and couldn't believe the new guy had not only met me but had actually come back in! Cheeky git, I only give him hassle though cuz he's an easier target than me (He's southern)

Ah, it's been a long week, but we have the four day weekend coming up which I am looking forward to, if not just to catch myself up.
I've a TONNE of homework to get done, and I didn't have a break last weekend cuz we were moving Grandma and then trying to sort out our spare room of doom....

Ugh, I'ma bored, a lot...and restless and...I dunno, something else I guess but I can't think of the word for it right now...

Oh oh! I saw my beautiful Blades (Sheffield United) playing and winning! They play again on Friday night and and and and if we beat Reading then I think that we could get AUTOMATIC promotion!!! MUHAHAHAHA I'm beyond excited for that!! I don't think my heart can take another play-offs, and I think we deserve to go back up seens as last time we came back down we were ROBBED! Cheating West Ham and cheating FA! tut

Right, I'ma go annoy someone...or something, I dunno, see that's a fun life I dunno what I'm gonna do next! I'm so random of late...

Right, outta my world you go!...(Come back and visit soon though!)

I'm the Mouse, you're not. x