Saturday 28 March 2009

Another thing..

Went to college today and found out that my work has been selected to be viewed by the AAT...yikes! I've got all the folder up todate and everything so hopefully it all goes well...Had another mini exam today too and managed to scrape through that...yes, with another 100%. I swear it has to stop at some point, I'm just hoping it's not at that big exam in June :(

Anyways, I'ma happy, kinda, and just chilling, watching some Dancing on Ice DVDs I got, I got an ECW DVD too yesterday, something about how it became hardcore so that should be interesting.

I just wondered why I was feeling wiped out, its nearly 2am, I should get some sleep shortly otherwise I'll sleep through SoccerAM and that's one of my all time fave shows :)

I kinda feel a lil void of emotion right now, so perhaps I should get that aforementioned sleep.

Take care out there and have a good one

Mouse x

Thursday 26 March 2009

I made it..I think...

Okay, so I managed, just about to get through the day that made me the big....30 ..I can even say it now without wanting to cry....too much :)

I am typing this while blasting my ears with my new GREEN ipod! Sooooo cool, thankies hubby :D

Well, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride today, I was glad that I wasn't met with balloons and banners this morning though, I think I woulda just...walked out again....

There is one thing that came out of this though, I've had a decision made for me. I'm me, I'm on my own and I'm gonna do this MY way because there is no other way now. They made their decision and I'm happy that they did.

Anyways, I have music!! from a lil green thing!!! SOOO cool!

Catch ya on the flip side

mouse out x

Tuesday 24 March 2009


Okay, if ONE more person mentions Thursday I think I'm gonna start getting a lil stab happy!! People should listen to the mouse instead of nodding while I'm speaking and then ignoring everything I've ever said!!
People are planning something...I know this because it's written all over their faces and I don't want anything!! AGGHH!! I swear, if I come to work and can't find my desk due to balloons and/or streamers I think that I will just walk out again...Now, there is an idea, I should book the day off and not tell anyone lol that might be a plan! :)

Anyways, I have to finish this credit review stuff, I know, I live a fun life :)

Take care out there

Mouse x

Sunday 22 March 2009

The countdown has started...

Well, it's Sunday and I'm completely shattered, I have the week from hell coming up...
It's my bday on Thursday and, unlike a raffle, where things end in a's not a good age...I'll go up to the next tick box on surveys and everything! Not good.

It's Mothering Sunday today to, which is kinda hard cuz I miss my baby, he always got me a prezzie (Something you can't eat...other wise he'd have eaten it before I'd have even had chance to see it)

So, once this week is out of the way, things might not be too bad, so long as no one EVER asks how old I am...oh, dear, I feel like I have one foot in the grave and the other slipping :(

Anyways, I'ma out of here, I got a pile of homework to do...oh joy,

Take care out there and if you're not the mouse....then you're lucky this week :)

Mouse xx

Saturday 21 March 2009

The Beautiful British People...

Well, I just got back from seeing the Al Murray stand up show, it was SO funny!! Unfortunately hubby was poorly and couldn't go, so I went with my sis-in-law, which was fun :)

I'ma not on long because it's been a looonngg week and I'ma really tired, worn out really and exhausted, but hey, did I mention Al Murray was really funny?...Oh, yeah I think I did :D

Why is it that wherever I go, I always over hear an American (That's not so surprising considering their volume) whining about something? Can they not just shut up for once? Heck, one even tried to take on the mighty Al Murray, but was put firmly back in his place heh, that was funny.

Right, bed time, I'm completely shattered,

Nighty night,

Mouse x

PS....I PASSED MY EXAM!!! WOOHOO 100% record STILL stands!!! :D

Sunday 15 March 2009

Mouse meets Arbour Low

The Mouse and hubby went to Arbour Low yesterday, which was an experience. It's a neolithic stone circle and hill set on the top of a big hill in Derbyshire. We were the only ones visiting, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the howling gale nor the fact it was raining most of the time and did I mention it was freezing cold too?
Anyways, I actually found it more impressive than Stonehenge, having said that I think Avebury is also better than Stonehenge too.

There was something quite beautiful and calming about the whole site to be honest and I'd go there again.

Back to work tomorrow so I'd better sort some things out,

Until the next time..

Mouse x

Thursday 12 March 2009

The land of the scarfs...

This title was brought to you by the fact I'm wearing a lovely floaty type scarf today...that and the fact that I'm not as witty as I used to be..apparently..

Nothing much happening in the Green World at the moment, I have another joyous exam (Whomever thought that it was a good idea to have an exam on Friday, 13th needs to be...shot? I don't know) Eh, I've done little to no revision so I'd best sort that out tonight, last minute cramming ALWAYS pays off, I know because I got where I am today thanks to it :)

A friend outta my past turned up this week, which was a lovely surprise, she's cool, and we had a nice chat, its good to have some peeps around again...My main lady is working, damn that time difference between countries so I only usually catch up with her on weekends when it's some unGodly hour over here :(

We have a trip to go and see the comedian Al Murray a week tomorrow, which should be funny, goodness knows I need a laugh about now...just so long as he doesn't pick on me, that would be bad, but I have cleverly got seats that mean I don't think he will...*fingers crossed*

Anyhoo, I'm outta here :)

Mouse x

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Foreign Treats!

Okay, it's a tradition that if you go on holiday you bring something back from your holiday, something to eat. The MD brought back some foreign...nice(ish) looking biscuits...I was told, by the transport manager that they were "yummy"...Now, I did pause at this to make sure that I wasn't being tricked...but he seemed quite genuine and they were only the size of about a 50p piece so I picked one up and took it to the office, telling Duck Girl about my biscuit adventure...
I took a bite...dropped it in the bin and nearly threw up. Investigative Journalist Duck Girl (Her newly and dodgedley attained job title) went and got one and surmised that it had peanut butter in it, which is why I rejected it quite so quickly...peanut butter needs to be banned, the government likes banning things, I think this should be one of them...

Until the next time, Duck Girl is an investigative journalist (What is the world coming too?!) and I'm....bored!

Mouse x

I think, we may have just had Zorro in our office (Although he needs to work on the cape flinging ability...and maybe even upgrade from coat to cape, but what do I know..)