Sunday 17 January 2010

2010 and beyond!

Another year is upon us, and this year, like most years I've made NO new year resolutions however there is a difference in this new decade.

I've joined twitter (Sept 09 ) and found some of the most inspirational people on there, ever.

We're trying to get #kickcancer trending, so please add this to the end of tweets to raise awareness and follow @kickcancer because it's a common war and we need to start really fighting back for all those that have lost their lives and for all those fighting to get rid of such an incredibly horrific word beginning with c.

I, myself, am doing Race For Life in July directly for @bubblybex who actually thought that I was a star for doing it. No, I'm not the star she is, I am happy to be sprinkled with some of the stardust that she produces. Please follow her if you're on twitter and if you're not, get a twitter account and show that you care!

This is all leading up to the web page you can sponsor me at, please give what you can, everything goes directly to Cancer Research UK:

Now for those who prefer a more eloquent blog then please go to: which is written by a lovely lady!

Take care of yourselves out there and until the next time this has been...

Mouse xx

Friday 2 October 2009's been a while..

So, I finally remembered my login...well actually I finally remembered I have a blog...whoops. What with work, studying, other personal hash that is my life, well my history more specifically, I've not really updated since the trip to Anfield..
I'm at work currently, which has been hectic, not to mention the amount of studying I've done and still have to do before my exam on Tuesday, which I think I'm going to fail...but, having a study demon weekend should help...
At least I have an old friend to meet on Wednesday, which should be good cuz I've missed them and I love them dearly..

Right, I'm outta here for now,

Take care,

Mouse x

Sunday 5 July 2009

You'll never walk alone...

Especially on a trip to Anfield. Yes, the mouse and hubby went off to Liverpool to go for "The Anfield Exprience" that I, stupidly, bought hubby for his Christmas present. It wasn't that bad and it was interesting to see.

We met Phil Neal, the Liverpool legend...he's a seriously tactile person, it was rather funny actually, we all met in reception and were told to go up to the third floor, it was SO hot, so hubby and I took the lift, the doors opened and Phil Neal kinda lurched at us to shake our hand, most surreal moment I've had in a long time lol

He was really chatty, a lil TOO chatty..and did I mention tactile? I mean we had our picture taken with him and he seriously was hugging me...kinda weird...

I've included my fave picture of the tour, can you tell that it's not my team? heh

Okay, three days of heat stroke is enough to send the mousey completely whappy...

Take care peoples and be good,

Mouse x

Wednesday 17 June 2009

End of an era...

Well, I've completed my course, did my exam yesterday...

After saying byas to hubby and setting off..I was stood, ready to get in my car, misjudged and whacked my forehead on the car....if that wasn't bad enough, I recoiled and whacked my head on the car I set off with mild concussion...

I eventually found my desk....after a friend shouted out where I was supposed to be sitting (I didn't know that they would have put the numbers going back instead of across! sheesh..)

Did the exam and then was told I couldn't leave the room for another half I just sat there not looking around the room in case I was accused of cheating rme

And! I put my mobile phone on silent...and was told that if they even heard the vibrating of a phone we'd be I turned off my phone...only to have, half an hour into the exam, the examiners phone go off with VERY loud music! idiot.

I don't get my results until 17th August, after 6pm via email :( that's a long, long wait, infact I get two footy matches from the new season before I get my results! Like that's fair.

Well, my head still hurts from headbutting the car...twice yesterday, and I'm really tired cuz sleep isn't happening that easily and even when I do get to sleep I tend to wake up at stupid o'clock :(

Well, I'm off to get some work done...

Take care peoples

Mouse x

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Right...lets get a few things straight..

My new boss seems to have my measure now, only took him a month and a bit haha, anyways here are some of the...choice phrases he uses to describe me:

* Cheeky (This refers to the fact that I'ma quite happy to tell crappy managers...that they're just that...crappy, to their faces, of course...and no, it wasn't about my boss)
* I can understand the temper now I know you were red headed when born
* You really don't take any sh*t from anyone
* You're very blunt when you're tired, no one could accuse you of beating around the bush (When I told him and the MD to F off when they were both trying to wind me up)
* You're the hardest worker in this office (Not actually so much of a compliment when you think about the peeps I work with...i.e. princess)
* I like winding you up, you tend to bite everytime (Not literally...yet)
* You are never happy (This was when I was mortified at the fact I got ONE question wrong on the mock exam I did....he's clearly never heard of being a perfectionist)

Heh, well life is a winding road and I hate the blind summits, cuz there is always something heading my way that I don't see coming.

Love me for who I am, if you don't, then I won't waste my time on you.

Always remember, never leave it too long, promise me once, promise me twice, promise me a thousand times...and those promises lie broken on the floor. No matter what you mean to me, I won't keep putting up with the lies. Make your mind up and act on it, words meaning nothing if they're not backed up with actions.

I'm the mouse, you're not x

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Strange things happen when you're going round the twist..

You know what really irks me? When people who think they know me tell me things about myself I know aren't true. A "friend" only sees a snippet of your life and some of them take that as being literal while ignoring the evidence that lies there in terms of refuting their theories. What's the point of arguing the point with them? If they've said it they obviously believe it so I, personally, don't see why I should put my case across, as it were. They're still gonna think they're right, I'm happy in the knowledge they're wrong, people can think what they like but it doesn't mean they're right.
There may be a point in there, with what they're saying, but I don't see why I should waste what little energies I have fighting their thoughts to make them feel better. I'm made of sturner stuff and if people don't like that, then they have to deal with it.
I'm aware of what I am and how I deal with things, I will "stand up for myself" when I have to but I don't see the point if either I don't agree or because I see things differently, variety is the spice of life and I don't see why I should be the one to have to please others. They don't do it for me so why should I do it back? I'm me, live with it, if you don't like it you know what you can do. Accept me for ME, my thoughts, ideas and the way I see myself, if you disagree so what? That's part of life too, just because I don't shove things down your throat doesn't mean that I don't agree or disagree, I'm a different character to you and don't feel that I require to explain myself to you at every turn. I love you to bits but it doesn't mean that I agree with some things you say. I take your moods because they're part of you and that's a big reason why I like you in the first place. I'll always listen to what you have to say, maybe not at the time, but it'll always come back to me, I respect and value your opinion, it means a lot to me, but at the end of the day, I'm me and I'll make my own mind up on how I handle things.

Don't try and understand me, just love me.

Mouse x

Wednesday 27 May 2009


FINALLY! Manchester United LOST and in the European Cup Final....AND Mouse won the bet with Mr Man U head!!! *does the mousey dance*

So, here in lies the revenge on Mr Man U head, after listening to him gloating, goading and generally pulling down my team, my plan is as follows:

I shall have a Barcelona FC badge on the side of my desk which you see when you walk in the office. I shall have YouTube set to play "Barcelona" for when he shows up AND I will oh so gracefully accept the £5 off him :D payback is a b*tch, he should know this by now...if he doesn't, he's about to receive a crash course.

Right, I'm off to relax for a little, but my foot hurts (I whacked the top of my foot on the corner of the bottom draw of my desk today, instant bruise and a nice big lump rme).

Take care out there and remember, above all else, Manchester United are L O S E R S :)

Mouse out x