Monday 8 December 2008

It's been a while...

Oh, the joys of life, well my life...and there haven't been many joys to be honest. A sickness bug has rendered most of the family in their respective bathrooms all weekend (all because we met for Grandma's bday on Wednesday). I, luckily, haven't actually been sick but that didn't stop my body from going into some form of weird/peculiar ickyness which meant I rarely left the bedroom. My husband, of course, picked up the bug and ran with it, is...ugh.

I have a mountain of homework because I had to miss college last week due to year end and all that VAT jazz (which didn't happen until Monday afternoon and in the end they choose me to change it and it took best part of three hours, useless, just useless.) It wouldn't be so bad but I'm still awaiting my boss to thank me for doing either, which does irk me. We'll see what tomorrow brings, probably nothing interesting nor an apology so I feel I must boo and hiss, just a little.

I'm still in the process of making 1001 Christmas cards for family and friends, that's taking quite a while too, and unlike other things, it's not like I can keep putting it off because it's one of those deadline thingies again.

Ok, I'm blogged out and I'm tired, so I've had enough.

Oh! and before I forget, turns out, over time you find out who your real friends are and it turns out, I gotta a few "friends" which aren't actually that, which kinda hurts, but at least I know now and they can go take a long run off a very short pier.

Right, I'm off now, cuz I wanna go...I dunno actually, but I should go do something.

Take care and all that jazz,

Mousey x