Friday 27 February 2009

Its Friday!!!

Not only is it Friday, it's Friday evening!! AND I have vodka! Finally my week from hell has come to an end, until it starts over on Monday...
The exam, was really bad, never good when they give you a question you not only don't know the answer to but to not understand the question...yikes!
Oh well, we'll have to see next Friday. Now less yapping and mooorreee drinking! Catch you on the other side...of something :)

Mouse out x

Thursday 26 February 2009


Well, thanks to lack of the database at work, I had to try and cram a whole days work AND balance everything within an hour....needless to say, nothing balanced and I have to sort it all out whenever I finish my exam tomorrow. Stress doesn't even slightly cover it and I have the feeling that maybe I should have gotten a whole lot more vodka for tomorrow night at the rate I'm going. I may explode with stress! I should be worrying about my exam (Which I am) but with that comes worrying about month end and all that jazz, trying to balance with people telling me to "hurry it up" a round about sort of way. What do they think that i do exactly? Just sit there and tell them I'm doing stuff when I'm not and I'm just stopping them from working because I can? I don't understand some people and never will. I don't do power trips, I do work.
I have to get up earlier in the morning to sort out the bank stuff and then exam...and then straight to work...I hate my life now. But the thought of vodka will get me through! (If you have me on MSN, i shall be completely smashed tomorrow night, so good luck with that one).

Well I gotta go do...something...because I'm going slightly mad...

Mouse x

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Don't blame it on the sunshine...

Well, I don't think that I've been around too much looking at the amount of blogs I've done, I hate it when real life presses itself into the Green World of the Mouse...

I've had a week from hell and it's only Wednesday! I've got to do an exam I'm so not prepared for on friday, but then go back into work to do month end! Ugh, however, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. I have already purchased large quantities of vodka which I will be introducing on Friday night. I plan to get completely smashed for a few reasons...
My stress levels are through the roof at the moment, I've not had a drink since New Year's Eve (I don't think that a glass of some fizzy white wine stuff counts as really drinking) and the best reason: because I can :)

Ahh my beloved Sheffield United are playing on Thursday and Sunday and they're both on television which could be a blessing...or not. It would be nice to see us actually win for's been a while!

I've got one more mock exam to get done, although I don't understand that one because I don't have the answers so how it's going to help me in a day's time is beyond me, but I'm sure it'll just feed my stress levels that little bit more...

I've just watched Liverpool playing in Europe, oh boy, that was a dull match and a flukey win! :P @ hubby

Right I'm tired and icky so I should go chill for a little. I'm sure, once my life isnt quite so hectic that I shall actually manage to chill...but don't hold your breath :)

Take care out there...and please wish me luck for I am going to need it :)

Until the next time,

I'm the Mouse and you're not x

Monday 16 February 2009


Can we say "slightly down" in the last post ya got from me? I'm doing a little bit better, seens as stress is apparently my new friend :) I've been living with it for the past few weeks (Sorry hubby!) eh, I'll get through it, always do cuz I have to really.

Nothing of note has really happened, although it seems strange to be saying that when my head is still whirring a mile a minute, I wish my head had like...a leg that I could stick out causing the thoughts to get tripped up and to give me a break, that would be real nice...

Well, some of us still have a pile of work to do! Yikes, best get on with it...

Until the next time,

This is the mouse, who the heck are you?